cochin-roo or hen??? Please?

if only my accidental roo never crowed... i probably could've kept him a secret. he was a sweet heart
my blue cochin finally crowed this morning. I heard a "beginner" crow and turned to see him do it three more times before the main rooster came after him.
The lt. brahma rooster circled him and the crowing stopped immediately.
I myself used to breed and show Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams. And from experience I can tell you that some Cochin roosters will never crow. If they are very laid back and easy going then they might not ever crow and if so it could be very rare. And if they are down in the pecking order they wont crow as much, crowing I think(dont take my word for it I am no expert) is a sign of dominance in a flock and if there is more than 1-2 males in a flock only the alpha male(s) will crow on a regular basis to show dominace to the other males. And with Cochins, I have raised birds from eggs and have had several that have never crowed at all, not to say they couldnt but they just never did and if so I never heard or saw them. It just happens, kinda like a hen trying to crow. They still acted like a macho in front of the ladies and done their little mating dance thing but never crowed. And the ones I noticed that didnt crow were also some of my best showers. Hope my two cents has helped.

Well, thank you Casey. That really does help as I was thinking something was wrong. ha I appreciate advice from those with actual experience as opposed to books, since this is my first experience with cochins.
I agree with you, when someone trys giving me advice they read from a book or they say "because this is what I read" or "This is what the book said to do" I usually just let it go in one ear and out the other. Because I know that knowledgable experience over reading experience has the best results.

Thanks, I think they and the silkies are just gorgeous!! Love your avatar

edited for spelling of simple words|!!
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Hey Ozark, seems like I haven't talked to ya in a while.
I was looking over your posts after I saw a response of yours in the "first egg" thread.

Anyway, I have a question for you...
Did you figure out that this Dom is not a roo?

The pic confuses me, in one of your posts you say this is a roo but it looks just like my Dom’s.
I hope it's not a roo, were waiting on eggs.

I borrowed your pic and shrunk it so it wouldn’t take up as much bandwidth.

Sorry to bust in on this thread.
Hey Barg, here is why I am so confused as to what I have...I supposedly purchased five dominiques from the hatchery. Being a newbie, I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing at the time. I am fairing little better now.

I know for a fact, that I defintely have one barred rock roo. It is the other five I am not sure of..barred rocks or dominiques. Here are some photos taken this morning of them.
first photo is of the one you posted this morning here of mine..two different shots of him/her?


this is what I think are the hens as their combs end in points and are flat.


now they will be 21 weeks this Thurs. He/she has not crowed as yet nor laid an egg.
I forgot to add that it is the tail feathers and build of the first one in the photos that makes me suspicious of it being a roo.
I hope speckled hen sees this post as she has barred rocks and knows her stuff. I will go grab a photo of the b.r. roo., which, by the way, is crowing. ha
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