Crushed limestone in coop?


5 Years
Mar 30, 2018
has anyone used crushed limestone in their coop? I was planning to switch out my pine shavings for sand, (hoping for easier clean up), and a friend said to try crushed limestone? I’m just wondering which would be best, live in the Chicago so it gets pretty cold, want the girls to be happy for our long often brutal winters! Any suggestions would be great!
We use gravel in our big shed. In the winter I put down some hay, otherwise in warmer weather we just rake off the poop occasionally. The chickens also eat the rocks out for grit so we generally need to top it off yearly. I'm unfamiliar with limestone.
Limestone should be fine. It just seems like it might be a bit rough on their feet? But it would probably also depend on how fine it is crushed. It would also provide a source of calcium as it is calcium carbonate.
We have limestone in our driveway.
Not my photo, but one I found.
limestone is over 90% calcium carbonate - just like oyster shell grit. in fact, limestone is formed by seashells and/or coral being compacted over LONG periods of time. there is a form of small grained limestone gravel called "rice rock." the size is suggested by the name. it can be sourced from companies who make concrete blocks. it is MUCH cheaper than oyster shell grit, and just as effective in supplying calcium (for stronger eggshells and other poultry dietary needs) - also very useful for many other purposes around the homestead - tamping around fence posts, filling gaps/holes in walkways, etc. etc. i got a cubic yard of it maybe twenty years ago, and have used maybe three quarters of it for one thing or another. great stuff!
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