First Time Hatching Anyone With Me??

I set my first eggs a few days ago... due to hatch March 7.
to answer your question, I have a borrowed styrofoam bator, not sure what brand, I think its from Nasco, anyway, it has room for 42 eggs, and has a blower and a turner. Temp is very stable and the ppl I borrowed from are Ag teachers and have used it a ton, so I hope the 6 eggs I candled that have veins come out ok! Btw, someone here has Dairy sheep in their sig line, what are they??? sorry if its off topic...but I have dairy goats so have to know these things
I'm with you:D I have the same set up but I don't have a fan I'm just going to try it once without and see how it goes. Eggs go in tomorrow morning after I make a final egg collection in the morning. Love the EE rooster wish I still had mine
I have some Faverolles X EE and some MGB eggs.
Thank you for the info!! I am actually going to buy the fan kit today
I am sure I will have to re-adjust the temp after I get it in. Even though I woke up this morning to a perfect 99.5
I'm having first time hatching nightmares!
I put 18 mixed breed eggs in the incubator Octagon 20 Adv., with Humity pump on Feb. 8th, due to hatch on March 1st. Then ordered the Mini Advanced and Ovaview. Received those last night. Candled the eggs last night at 9 days and am VERY CONFUSED! and SCARED that out of the 18, only a few look like they have anything growing. The majority of them look like there are big dark blobs to one side of the egg. I didn't see anything moving in any of them. The Ovaview did OK, but good grief, I'd love to have an x-ray machine to get a better look!!

I'm scared I'll toss an egg that is developing..killing a developing chick would be so awful. But I can't seem to find pictures of what I'm seeing. I may need to candle them again tonight. I'm scared I'll have a bad egg explode in my incubator, contaminating the entire batch and have to throw them all out.
How long can you keep a bad egg in the incubator before it explodes? I read about "weeping", but none of mine seem to be doing that.
How do you keep from gagging when you break open an egg you've removed to check what when wrong?

I'm so
AllCoop'dUp :

I'm having first time hatching nightmares!
I put 18 mixed breed eggs in the incubator Octagon 20 Adv., with Humity pump on Feb. 8th, due to hatch on March 1st. Then ordered the Mini Advanced and Ovaview. Received those last night. Candled the eggs last night at 9 days and am VERY CONFUSED! and SCARED that out of the 18, only a few look like they have anything growing. The majority of them look like there are big dark blobs to one side of the egg. I didn't see anything moving in any of them. The Ovaview did OK, but good grief, I'd love to have an x-ray machine to get a better look!!

I'm scared I'll toss an egg that is developing..killing a developing chick would be so awful. But I can't seem to find pictures of what I'm seeing. I may need to candle them again tonight. I'm scared I'll have a bad egg explode in my incubator, contaminating the entire batch and have to throw them all out.
How long can you keep a bad egg in the incubator before it explodes? I read about "weeping", but none of mine seem to be doing that.
How do you keep from gagging when you break open an egg you've removed to check what when wrong?

I'm so

So sorry your having problems!! I know there are quite a few threads with pictures of candled eggs and what they should look like when developing.
The thread below showed pretty clearly what the early stages look like, hope it helps!! And keep us posted!!
I didnt see anything like those pics at first, I was using a light bulb with a pringles tube over it with a hole in the end..I then got a mini mag flashlight with 35 lumens for $10 at Target, made a world of difference. Although out of 21 shipped eggs, I think I only have 6 live ones.
But I can see movement and lots of veinage with those 6! This was on day 5 and 6. Im not worried about tossing the clears yet, Ill give them till day 10 or so....and be sure theres nothing. And yes Ive thought about opening up old eggs, and I decided Im just not that curious!

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