Help, I don't know what this is!


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12 Years
Jun 25, 2007
at the covered bridge, PA
I hatched some eggs, some I got from jody (hinkjc) and some were mine. Is this an EE'r or a freak of nature?
Sorry the 2nd pic is fuzzy, but it clearly had two little tufts. None of my hens have this. It's legs aren't green either, so I really don't know..


Any guess as to what this little girl is, she came from a suprise special from Ideal.
Yup, that looks like a blue Araucana (tailed/tufted - known as Quetros).

Well that is exciting! Like I said I didn't think any of the true araucana eggs hatched. I didn't even notice him/her until today, and thought what the heck is going on with that chicks head!
It is so cute! I hope it's a little hen. I'm trying to think how old it would be, maybe 8 weeks?
Sara, lucky for you, I keep meticulous records. You picked up the eggs on 7/9. You should be able to put together your hatch date from there. I hope she's a girl too. Next time you come I have to show you her mommy, Bluey. She is tufted rumpless and exactly the same color as your young one. I looked to see if I have a recent pic of her and I don't. I'll see if I can get a pic tomorrow and post for you.

Dawn, Araucana don't have muffs/beards - they only have tufts and they are a distinctly different breed than Ameraucana or EEs. Your blue EE is so handsome. I love anything blue.
If I wouldn't have fallen so hard on buff chickens, maybe it would have been blues.

Ok, going back over my info, this one had to have hatched under my broody. I think I put two under her, and two in the incubator. Anyway, they all hatched between the 29th and 30 of July. That would make it 8 weeks old. It's comb doesn't look very red at all yet, so i'll hold out hope that it is a hen. I'll definately be back for more buff orpington eggs once I am out of the hospital and back on my feet. I just love your buff orpingtons, they are so pretty! I'm so excited to have little baby buffs when i get home to play with!

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