How do I know if my ducks are happy?


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2021
I keep their water clean and their food replenished. They have toys, a big yard, and a pond. I flip over logs for them to get bugs, and I give them a treat of peas every day.
But I feel like they aren't happy.
I've raised them since they were ducklings, but My hen is still acting a bit scared of me. My drake chases and bites me, which I'm told is because he wants to be the head of the flock, so I've followed instructions on how to stop it, but he still won't. My hen should have started laying eggs a few weeks ago, but still hasn't.
I've done everything I can think of but I still feel like they don't like me/are unhappy.
What do I do? How do I give them happy lives?
As much as we love to add human emotions to animals, they only want these things: Food/water, a place to sleep, and to mate.
That's all they know, they don't have thoughts like "I wish our owner would give us more presents :("

Trust me, they are happy, you sound like a fantastic pet owner. :)

Ducks are usually skittish creatures from my experience, try hand feeding them more often.
In my personal experience ducks don’t tend to “enjoy”( ...more like not thinking they are going to die )until after they are 1 year olds.

My little crew are all 3 & will come near us every time we are outside & take treats but still shy away if they think your going to pick them up.

They get excited for treats, food & new pool water & rain. Other than that they just live among us.

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