How to build an incubator out of an aquarium?

talkin turkey

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 13, 2008
Hello everyone. I am new to incubating eggs.

I was wondering if it is possible to turn an old 29 gallon aquarium into a incubator. Is this possible? Has anyone done this before? If so, please let me know. I know that they need heat and humidity but I am not sure on all of the necessities like temp. and other things. If anyone has any advice, please tell me so that my first hatch goes well. Also, what all will i need to include inside the tank?

Any advice will be gladly appreciated, thanks-Turkey.
I was just wondering about this same thing, myself I have an abundance of various sized aquariums around here

I like my DIY styrofoam one just fine, but curious about the tank version... could be a good back up, if it's do'able..
I don't see how you would get enough heat stability/retention with the glass.....

I also think you would have limited ways of adding ventilation....

I think spending the $$ on a styrofoam cooler would save you a lot of heartache, if you are set on making your own 'bator.

I don't see why an aquarium couldn't be used for an incubator.

You'd just have to figure out the best way to heat it - maybe a light socket on a board with a cage around it to keep the chicks from getting burnt when they hatch. You could put the dimmer on the outside of the aquarium.

The other thing you need is air exchange and the ability to vent.

Maybe you could build a lid out of wood and wire in the light bulb there, put a computer fan also for circulation. Drill some holes for ventiliation.... For a larger aquarium, you may need two heat sources and a larger fan, or two fans.

Fire it up and let us know how it goes - it would be great for being able to see the chicks hatch!
Here's a cool concept if you have several sizes of aquariums...

You can use an aqarium heater to heat water put in a larger tank, and then a smaller tank submerged into the water to hold your eggs.

Add a fan and lid with holes for ventilation and that just might work well - hmmm.....

Wouldnt be cheaper than buying one if you had to buy the aquariums, but if you have they laying around it might work pretty well...
Thanks everyone for the great responses. It was just an idea for down the road if i want to incubate. If i do decide on this method, i will post pictures to show you how it worked. Thanks, Turkey

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