HPAI—Definition of the USDA designation of “Backyard Producer/non-poultry FINALLY:


In the Brooder
Aug 30, 2020
“The terms poultry and non-poultry in the context of reporting HPAI results refers to the World Organisation for Animal Health defintion for country reporting/trade purposes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture uses the definition for HPAI detections. Poultry is defined as all domesticated birds, including backyard poultry, used for the production of meat or eggs for consumption (this includes selling or giving away meat or eggs). Birds (including chickens) that are kept in captivity reasons other than as defined above (including those that are kept for shows, competitions, breeding, or as pets) are not considered to be poultry.”

In short…both of these designations CHICKENS are included in the “non-poultry” designation!
Reminds me of this article that I recently came across.


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Here in Idaho...we were having a problem getting the word out to local backyard flock owners because a few folks were saying the "non-poultry" meant not chickens...so when the USDA first starting posting the case numbers for Idaho...for example there were 2 cases of "backyard producers" and 5 cases of "backyard producers/non-poultry". Their argument was that HPAI wasn't that big of a deal or nothing to be worried about with only 2 cases being chickens...when in actuality because of the definition of those designations through the WOAH of which the USDA follows...there were 7 cases then. Sadly within two days, we're up to 19 cases as of last Friday...all backyard flocks. Be vigilant. It is a big deal.

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