I am Crushed, and Just Furious!!

Critter Crazy

12 Years
Apr 19, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I just Lost my 8week old Mille Fluer D'Uccle Roo!!!! Arghhhhh......I am so mad, cause I lost him to my own Dog!!! My dog slipped his collar today, and killed him!!

I had just brought home Speckles on monday, The Mille Fluer Hen I got from Picco. My main reason for Bringing this girl home, was so Sunny wouldnt be alone, and would have someone all to his own.

I am just Devastated!

RIP Sunny:(
I am so very sorry for your loss.
He looked so sweet.
Bey your dog isn't gonna have a good night either, is it? Mine would be bannished from the house for the night without supper. :mad: I'm so sorry you lost your boy.
Oh, that is so sad, I'm sorry for your loss! What a beautiful bird she was! :aww
You might want to consider a halter for your dog instead of just a collar. It's a little harder for them to slip out of. When I travel with my corgi, I usually have her on a halter because no matter how snug I make the collar, she manages to squeeze out of it if she really wants to. The halter goes on and she knows I mean business!
Good luck and I hope your dog behaves himself. (I've got one now that is giving me trouble with the younger chicks, he can't get to them, but I don't like the look in his eye... :thun !)
That was gonna be my suggestion also...when a lot of folks come into the store, they have the collars too loose. I would always go for a harness because it gives more control over the dog too and it doesn't choke the dog when he pulls.
Again, my condolences.

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