I am Crushed, and Just Furious!!

I'm so sorry. That happened to us too a few years ago. What kind of dog do you have? We have a German Shepherd mix; she killed a hen the first or second day we had the hen. I was able to train her not to touch the chickens. Now she gets along with them fine, and loves her role as "Chickherd" (not Shepherd). She is a little older now and now I can even get her to drop a baby rabbit or chipmunk she has found, without her harming it. So it is possible a lot of times to train them.
Duke is my 2 yr old Bloodhound/Lab Mix. I have tried to keep this dog contained, but he is a smart one. he only goes out side a few times a day, and at the most it is an hour at a time. He is an Indoor dog. I have to tie him up, because he destroyed or fenced in yard, completely destroyed the fence. I have tied him up using a Harness before, and he chewed through it. He slips out of his collars no matter how tight they are. I have even gone so far as to tie him up with a chocke chain(even tho it is a no no) and he has gotten out of that as well! I am at a loss as to what to do with this dog! I love him dearly, but my goodness is he a pain in my Behind!! I have never had a dog like this! He is one smart cookie!!


edited to add: Just a few minutes ago, while i was cleaning the house, Duke somehow managed to open My Glass sliding door, and Grab another bird!!!! Thankfully, he brought the bird inside, and the bird was able to hide behind a door. I heard her crying, and was able to get her out of the house. she was okay, a little wet with slobber, but is fine. WTH!!! Now i have to Bolt all the doors as well!!!!
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Boy, that is rough. I know several people with labs or lab mixes and they all say the same; they are hyper, very energetic and bullheaded dogs. I have a friend who is longing to get chickens after playing with ours, but can't cause of their lab mix. Maybe when he gets older, he'll be better.
I know that this may sound drastic but it sounds like you need some drastic advice. I too have a stubborn and smart dog! He too can chew thru collars and destroy property and he has! I am currently shopping for the perfect behavior modification collar. Yes, I am talking about a shock collar. It will not be for barking since I live in the country and he can bark all he wants. But if he gets off his chain, he will run and totally ignore us until he wants to listen. I also just became the owner of some beautiful Buff orps. so I dont want them eaten and I know that if he were given the chance, he would eat them. He is after all, a dog. So I want to be prepared and if he gets off Then I will be able to control his behavior with the remote and a low voltage. I just need something to remind him that I am the boss. Maybe this would work for you as well? I know that it usually only takes a few times before they stop the behavior. Good luck and sorry for your loss.

My mother in law has managed to train her lab mix to be nice to her chickens, so there is hope! And he is a stupid thick headed dog!
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Wow, your dog sure is a smart one! We've got a houdini like that, too. When we first bought this place he would somehow get outside when we weren't home. We never did figure out what he was doing. He's super friendly.. although I don't think our new neighbor appreciated it when he walked into her house looking for new friends! My first interaction with her was to tell her I was sorry!!

Thankfully poor Charlie has really slowed down. He doesn't do that anymore. He's a lab mix, too. There are chickens at houses all around me, and he's never bothered them. Even when he was, ahem, pulling his disappear-reappear act.

Btw, your boy sure is handsome!
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I'm also sorry for your loss. I wish I lived closer - I have 2 five or six week old Mille Fluer D'Uccle roos that I can't keep. I have way too many roosters that I don't know what to do with. You pooch is very handsome too. Sorry.
I am currently shopping for the perfect behavior modification collar. Yes, I am talking about a shock collar.

My dog has always been gentle with the smaller animals but I , at my wits end , resorted to a shock collar. I paid big bucks for a in home trainer to come and teach me how to train that stubborn dog.You are supposed to leave it on all the time but after about 3 months I dont use it at all. Well, if he starts acting a fool, all ihave to do is bring it out and he quickly quiets down and lays on his bed for a couple of hours. My dog also retaliated for the use of shock collar on him. I am sorry for your loss, my childhood dog got ahold of 5 of my 8 week olds once. I know how devestating it is to find them. take care​

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