Is Ginger a roo?

Still looks like a boy to me. Look at the rump in the first new pic. You can see the bright red spikes. The neck ones are tougher to make out because it looks like he is in a molt right now. He also appears rumpless in the new pics, which indicates to me that he is either an Ameraucana X Araucana or EE X Araucana. Ameraucana/EE would give him the muffs/beard and the Araucana would produce the rumplessness. These are not acceptable araucana for the US, but they are in the UK. I think he is very handsome and appears to have BBR coloring.

He's beautiful! And I do mean he.. I also say he has hackle and saddle feathers.

As for keeping him.. what if you PROMISE not to let him out before 8am? Maybe that would keep the crowing to a minimum, and the neighbors wouldn't mind so much. If you like him, I'd keep him until someone complains!

Since his breed is still up for grabs, I'm going to say americauna mix.. the crowless variety


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