Is Ginger a roo?

Poor SilkieChicken, already getting harassed because she didn't get to read the last line of the post because the photos of the birds were so beautiful. Hang on there SilkieChicken - maybe it's normal that newbie mods get hazed a bit.
Hey I resemble that remark !

Actually i was picking on her because I have car envy
Both look like roos to me too.

I'm a little lost about the "little yellow chicken". I see the question, but where's the chick?

and TX..
Hey I resemble that remark !

Don't you mean "resent"?

Easy on the new Mods, now....or we'll have to do some whoopens 'round here.

Hahaha, I missed it! AND I had just come from a thread asking about the yellow chick! In case there is still wonder on the yellow chick, it will show up for anyone who has not read a thread with a new post since their last view.

As for hazing, no worries, I'm immune to stuff like that! Buah hahahaha.

Car envy you say.... I might just have to make a whole thread with pictures of my car!!!

Let me go do that now!
In the pic, it looks like she's molting and some of the feathers are pointed due to the little caseing(whatever you call it) still being there.
The feathers further down the neck don't look any pointier then the feathers on my Esther and Winnie, I'm assumeing mine are pullets.

Maybe the more seasoned profesional amoung you see more then I do.

Added: I just took a second look, what the hek breed is that anyway?
It seems to have elements of several things, I think it must be a breed that I havn't seen before.
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Okay, I think I got some better pictures today. I'm curious about the breed myself. Still having a hard time giving him up. I love his coloring. My friend came and took a look and said I was hallucinating if I thought he was a pullet. Should I wait until he starts to crow? Maybe the neighbors won't notice. I love this bird!


This one's a little blurry....
I'd wait till he crows, but those new pics do show something I was unable to see clearly in the other photo's.
Maybe I'm just blind.
Still, If ya like em, at least wait till he crows, who knows, maybe he has a genetic defect that keeps him from being loud

My only guess on the breed was that it's one of the rejected offspring of an Auracana(sp), Probably mixed with RIR or something.

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I was saying girl (heh, I love that *I* am throwing my ring in here, utter newb that I am), but that last shot, I am going to say boy..

Lots of gorgeous pointy saddle and hackle feathers. He's *really* handsome though!

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