Lethargic rooster. Sitting/sleeping with beak in the ground.


In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2019
My poor boy.
I’ve got an entirely new flock of 11 birds. Mixed bunch of small Japanese variety and big polish. My sick bird is a polish rooster. Not sure how old, maybe a year. He’s very lethargic, not exploring with the rest of the flock even when I bring out fresh food (veg, fruit scraps). He may walk around a bit but mostly he just sits down and eventually his head slowly lowers til he’s sleeping beak to the ground. This behavior has been noticeable for at least 3-4 days. He was at least crowing 5 days ago. Everyone else in my flock seems fine. I do have way too many roosters, 6 of 11, so I originally thought because of his chill temperament that he was being bullied and may have sustained an injury but I don’t think that’s the case. I live in Taiwan and its typhoon season so my chicken area can get partially flooded and with the composting I’m doing there I thought He may have gotten into some moldy, spoiled food. I’m also composting with horse manure and shavings if that has anything to do with it.
So I’ve quarantined him and given him some whole grain bread and scrambled eggs along with his usually supplemental grain. He’s been here over night and he’s eaten a bit, mostly the grain, not interested in eggs, but I can’t tell if there’s any improvement. At least now he’s less stressed, free of the other males. Not sure what to do from here. From the look of his poop (green and runny) I thought he might have a bacterial infection. But I also notice some dark brown and slightly thicker poop this morning, cecal poop(?).


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Thanks! Yeah, he’s been drinking. He’s been more vocal today. No crowing but just some clucks as he wanders around. Maybe doing better, but still spending a lot of time sitting/sleeping.
He is a sick boy. Keep him separated. I'd treat him for parasites ASAP. You are on the clock. I'd give him a Corid (amprolium) drench. 3mils directly down his throat with a syringe (no needle), then add 1 tbl spoon per 1 gallon to his only source of water for 5 days. New batch everyday. Keep feeding him scrambled eggs till he can eat on his own. You may have to help feed and hydrate him till he perks up.
If it is parasites he should perk up in a day or so after start of treatment but he still needs to complete his treatment. Also treat whole flock with amprolium in their water only- 5 days, new batch daily. If he has they may have. Being you are in the tropics and it has been wet and with your composting, that is my guess and it really does not hurt him much to start with that.
Also check his crop in the morning to make sure he emptied it out and for funny smells. Let me know how he does. So sorry he is sick. Such a cutie.
Thanks TropicalBabies! I’m searching for Corid but things are difficult for me to find here. I’ve got someone helping me search.
I’ve been force feeding him but he hasn’t perked up much. Is there any reason I shouldn’t give him antibiotics? I mean, it’s possible he’s got a bacterial infection, right.
I don't know if he does or not. I was judging on his looks and the poop next to him and your wet weather and him scratching around. That is a perfect combo for parasites.
I have in the past given my birds Tepox 48. Think it comes from the Philippines. Actually yes. get him started omn antibiotics cuz it can't hurt- may help. keep looking for Corid or something with amprolium.
I went to the most local feed store over here. A haven for cock fighters. He was the one who had the pirate drugs that are hard to get over the counter. Do you have one of those places there? That was when I was loosing chicks and scratching my head. Since then I have learned to catch the signs much quicker and Corid is an absolute life saver for me. i don't hesitate any more, I've lost too many. Now i don't loose any to parasites (touch wood)
Thanks TropicalBabies! I’m searching for Corid but things are difficult for me to find here. I’ve got someone helping me search.
I’ve been force feeding him but he hasn’t perked up much. Is there any reason I shouldn’t give him antibiotics? I mean, it’s possible he’s got a bacterial infection, right.
@Lankplank what do you have available to you?
Corid (Amprolium), Coxoid (Amprolium), Sulmet ? These can be used to treat Coccidia.

If you are going to give antibiotics in addition to a Coccidiostat, you will want to make sure there are no contraindications.

I'd give him a Corid (amprolium) drench. 3mils directly down his throat with a syringe (no needle), then add 1 tbl spoon per 1 gallon to his only source of water for 5 days.

I do agree, treating with Amprolium (Corid) is a good idea.

I'm sorry but I disagree with the rest of your instructions. While Corid is mild and is not harmful, the dosage amounts given are too much.

Direct oral drench of Liquid Corid is 0.10ml per pound of weight for up to 3 days.
Direct oral drench of Powdered Corid is to mix 1/2 teaspoon of powder to 2 teaspoons of water - give 0.34ml per pound of weight for up to 3 days.

The Direct Oral Drench is in addition to the mixed Corid water:
Mix 1 1/2 teaspoons of Corid liquid to 1 gallon of water or 2 teaspoons of Corid Powder to 1 gallon of water - give as the only source of drinking water for 5-7 days.
I just found a source for corid. I’ll be picking some up today. Also noticed bloody poop this morning.
No bird vets in my area so I won’t be able to get him a shot of antibiotics. What’s the best way to administer, and any idea of the dosage. I suppose I can google it.
Thanks again!

Where are you located, TropicalBabies?
I just found a source for corid. I’ll be picking some up today. Also noticed bloody poop this morning.
No bird vets in my area so I won’t be able to get him a shot of antibiotics. What’s the best way to administer, and any idea of the dosage. I suppose I can google it.
Thanks again!

Where are you located, TropicalBabies?
Can you post a photo of the Corid package you get?

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