Mystery Roosters... can you help? (UPDATED WITH MORE PICTURES)

That very last one that is tan/black with feathered feet is a Buff Brahma. I have one and she is very friendly.
Also, looks like a hen to me for that one.
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The bottom picture (rooster) from your first set, looks like my Americana/Arucana (sp) from McMurray.

The hen in picture 4 also looks ALOT like one of my Americanas... from Mc Murray

Number 2 I would say is a white crested black polish. Number 1 is a beautiful bird whatever it is.

It seems Mc Murray just mixes everything into their americana/arucanas, my birds run the from dusty gold, yellow, red/black(green), striped, tufted, feathered feet, bearded, just about everything is thrown in that pot it seems. Some look similar, some have nothing in common.

Hope this helps ya.


PS On my order form they checked off the mystery breeds when they delivered them. Check your original order copy that came with the birds (not your internet/phone order set), when the handlers do a check of them they write down how many of which and each kind....
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I have just finished looking at the pictures and decided that I am going to put chickens on my Christmas list this year! Leading the list is Gold Laced Wyandotte...what a gorgeus bird. My birthday list is for an incubator, so I can either live shop or egg for me. I have to have one of those!
:)the white one is a langshan the red and white one is a red shouldered yokohama the one with the crest (the hat) is a white crested black polish the orange one is a buff brahma
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Thanks for all the suggestions!

I was thinking the black one could be Black Minorca. He's much smaller than the Andalusian. Here are 2 more photos of him next to a phoenix and near the Andalusian.



What would happen if you cross a black minorca rooster with a buff minorca hen?

I think the Langshans sound right and the red/white one really looks broad from the front. She's probably a Red Laced Cornish -- though she's much prettier than pictures I've seen of them online.

So, we'll say that the hens are:
#1 Red Laced Cornish
#2 White Crested polish
#3 (splash) Cochin
#4 Buff Brahma

If you have other opinions, please chime in

For the roosters,
#1 Buttercup
#2 Blue Andalusian
#3 Black minorca??
#4 Langshan (who comes up with these names?)
#5 Golden Laced Wyandotte

Now, if they can't keep all of the roosters, which one(s) should I try to get? I didn't tell you that my friend called because the roos are trying to out-crow each other and some will need to go.

I have 3 silver phoenix pullets (need a rooster), 2 buff minorcas pullets, 2 black star pullets, 3 Light Brahmas (?), and a bunch of Moyer's brand egg laying pullets. Right now I have lots of "boring" roosters. After seeing my friend's roos, I'm wondering why I should keep less than attractive roosters around just to make more pure Moyer's egg layers. How about a GLW (#5) crossed with a silver Phoenix? Black minorca with buff? etc. This might need a different thread and I'll post it elsewhere if necessary.

Thanks again for all the help identifying these!
Ummm... is that Black Andalusian crowing and mounting the hens, because it looks like a HEN!
Big floppy comb, no pointy saddle or hackle feathers. Yup, that's a hen.

I'd say it is an Andalusian because Minorca's have a little different body shape and tend to have huge earlobes. Although it is certainly possible that it's a Minorca. It's smaller because it's female.

For the rest, I think you got it right.

For the roosters,
#1 Buttercup
#2 Blue Andalusian
#3 Black Andalusian hen
#4 Langshan
#5 Golden Laced Wyandotte

So, we'll say that the hens are:
#1 Red Laced Cornish
#2 White Crested polish
#3 (splash) Cochin
#4 Buff Brahma
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