Need experienced donkey owner advice...


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Pilot Mountain, NC
My husband bought me a 13 year old mammoth donkey for my birthday. *yes it is what I wanted and not a big joke lol* This is a GREAT donkey and we just got it last night. THe thing is, he is pacing back and forth infront of the gate. He has adequate room and not in a little run, or anything. I think he's trying to figure out how to get home. (what he has known as his home for the last 5 years.) What are some things we can do to help him relax and make him feel more comfortable? We will be spending time outside with him today. I'll lead him around the fence a few times. He has PLENTY of grazing already. He has baiscs like a shelter, food, water. I really feel like he's just a creature of habbit and trying to figure out how to get back to his old home. Any suggestions (positive) would be appreciated. Thanks
At that age he is set in his habbits..In time he will settle down...I would keep a close eye on him...Donkeys can be very destructive and are masterful escape artists...We have to stall ours while we ride or she "escapes" and tries to climb in the trailer or trots along beside the other horses...problem being she isn't on a lead like the other horses being ponied.
If he is broke to ride I would suggest riding him heavily for a few days to get his mind away from trying to tear down your fences.

daisy...looks kind of rough before her winter shed but thats the way she likes it...."the mean look" my son says
Congratulations on your special b'day gift!
If you can, get a companion for him -- the equine bunch likes to be part of a 'herd' -- even if it's a 'herd' of only two --
Good idea to get him 'out and about' on your property by leading/riding --
my little mule-girl is waaaaay smarter than the horses --
Enjoy the new addition!
K, well we BOUGHT him a goat. After three hours of them not seeming to give a flip about one another, my Donk jumped on him (the goat) and killed him. Actually, it was more like the donkey caught the goat and laid on him (which killed the goat). Now we're finding out more about Entire (or in tack) donkeys. BOY we didn't know what we were getting into. We're now told that he's too old at thirteen to geld. He is what he is. So we decided to fence off a seperate area for the goats. But now we're trying to figure out what kind of pasture mate we can get Jackson so that he's not just one lonely guy! Has to be big enough for him i guess. But i'm just at a loss! I'm affriad he's going to fight anything he can't mate. Is that the case? I've put a call in to the closest equine vet we have and I'm awaiting the call back. I feel SOOO dumb. I normally research the heck out of things. It just never occured to me that him being entire would be a problem. I never looked into it. Anyone got any MORE positive constructive advice for a greenhorn like me?
Do not put anything in with him!!!!

An intact male donkey does NOT play well with others!!!

I know you only wanted positive advice, but please be very careful around him. Jacks are breeding machines, and since he is a Mammouth, he will be twice as strong as a normal sized donkey.

I don't know your situation or your experience, but if you are not experienced with handling intact equines, I would suggest finding him a new home.

There are a lot of legal responsiblilties that come with intact equines. Fencing, damage to humans and other animals, etc.

There are very few places you can take him, if you plan to be riding him. Trail rides and such will not allow intact males.

Find an equine vet, not just any vet, and ask about gelding. The vet may have to examine your Jack to see if it will help.
Sometimes the age is a major factor and sometimes it isn't. It differs from animal to animal. Get a professional opinion.

I sure wish I had the money to come and get him, I have been looking for a Mammouth Jack to breed my mares. There are lots of good gelded donkeys around here I would have traded you for him. I just don't have the funds to do it.

Good luck, and keep us posted on what you decide.

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