Pekin Duck with Eye Infection - please help!


Jan 11, 2019
Mount Vernon, Washington
I woke up this morning and discovered one of my girls has a seemingly bad eye infection :( I'm wondering if you guys can tell what type of infection it is and what I need to do, I've included a photo.

I picked her up and brought her inside and she is currently taking a bath in the tub. She is swimming and dunking her head, so she seems to be doing OK but she is shaking her head every few seconds so I can tell it's bothering her. She also is pretty beat up from mating :( I think our male ducks need to be separated from our females, they are just going too hard on them and their neck's are bare.. so if you also have advice for healing their skin from getting feathers ripped out that would be great.


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Let us know how she is doing please:fl
Perfect I have a TSC less than 10 minutes from where I live! I'm getting ready to leave now. Thank You so much for your help, you are amazing and always help me!!! I just finished setting her up in a pen I put together outside, she already looks a lot better from having her own bath time. Her friends are all trying to get into her pen, including the boys -___- I put a bowl of fresh water in there that she can dunk into as needed, a clean bowl of food, and a towel and fresh hay. She is near an apple tree for shade too! I purposely placed her where all the ducks like to nap so she will still have some company.
Yup, drake jail is in full force around here! Sambo has one girl that he doesn't bother much so I'll put her in with him at night and in the day too if I can catch her. @onaharley helped me out a lot with a great idea for inside the pen where they usually stay. I made a sliding board that separates them at night but they can still see each other. This is the picture of the board. It's beautiful right? Nice and square and pretty. The back side has little strips of wood over the sharp HWC edges too and it's a work of art!

But don't laugh too hard, I didn't realize how not-square my barn walls were! Not pretty but functional.

So at night I put the board up, herd them all into the pen, then I get in shut the big door, grab Sambo and Dilly and put them in the back.

I've got 2 runs so I can keep them apart during the day too. Just when I think that maybe Sambo will act right and I put him in with all the girls it takes him about 2 seconds to jump on somebody so it's back to the jail house for him. Oh, that drippy purple stuff down the inside of the pen is blu-kote. That's another story.
Yup, drake jail is in full force around here! Sambo has one girl that he doesn't bother much so I'll put her in with him at night and in the day too if I can catch her. @onaharley helped me out a lot with a great idea for inside the pen where they usually stay. I made a sliding board that separates them at night but they can still see each other. This is the picture of the board. It's beautiful right? Nice and square and pretty. The back side has little strips of wood over the sharp HWC edges too and it's a work of art!
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But don't laugh too hard, I didn't realize how not-square my barn walls were! Not pretty but functional.

So at night I put the board up, herd them all into the pen, then I get in shut the big door, grab Sambo and Dilly and put them in the back.

I've got 2 runs so I can keep them apart during the day too. Just when I think that maybe Sambo will act right and I put him in with all the girls it takes him about 2 seconds to jump on somebody so it's back to the jail house for him. Oh, that drippy purple stuff down the inside of the pen is blu-kote. That's another story.
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Great job!! So glad I could help! Those silly boys will never learn, will they?!?
Yup, drake jail is in full force around here! Sambo has one girl that he doesn't bother much so I'll put her in with him at night and in the day too if I can catch her. @onaharley helped me out a lot with a great idea for inside the pen where they usually stay. I made a sliding board that separates them at night but they can still see each other. This is the picture of the board. It's beautiful right? Nice and square and pretty. The back side has little strips of wood over the sharp HWC edges too and it's a work of art!
View attachment 1814383
But don't laugh too hard, I didn't realize how not-square my barn walls were! Not pretty but functional.

So at night I put the board up, herd them all into the pen, then I get in shut the big door, grab Sambo and Dilly and put them in the back.

I've got 2 runs so I can keep them apart during the day too. Just when I think that maybe Sambo will act right and I put him in with all the girls it takes him about 2 seconds to jump on somebody so it's back to the jail house for him. Oh, that drippy purple stuff down the inside of the pen is blu-kote. That's another story.
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Haha this post was awesome to read :) I set up a pen for the girls because they are all injured so I want them to try and rest as much as possible right now, then when they are healed I will put the drake's in jail! I just can't believe how rough they get with my girls... Of course I have way too many drake's right now and haven't had luck getting them adopted, but thats just how hatching your own goes - you get what you get. I will post a photo of Delilah's eye progress, I got the ointment and have been applying once in the AM and once before she goes into the girls pen at night. I am keeping the boys and girls separated 24/7. Although the boys have surrounded the girls pen and sit and fight in front of it -_____- they don't seem to understand they won't be getting any girls for a while!

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