Taming a wild grey fox? Any suggestions?

It is unlikely that you will be able to tame an adult wild grey fox. Animals learn how to feel about humans from their mother at an extremely young age, therefore it is unlikely that an adult animal could ever become truly tame. Also, wild animals are not vaccinated like pets, and may carry diseases that it can transmit to you or your other pets, or even other people's pets if they so much as visit your house . It is also likely illegal. If it were to be tamed at all, it would be tame to you and aggressive towards everyone else. If the fox were to bite someone, it could land you into serious legal trouble, likely felony charges.
The fox will never be happy in captivity because it is not use to captivity, and it would be cruel to remove it from the natural habitat that it's comfortable in and make it live like a dog.
I suggest letting the fox go, or to a local wildlife center if it is injured. If you want a fox (and it is legal to keep wild canids in your state) you can find a reputable, licensed breeder that breeds tame foxes, usually 30-50 generations from the wild. These foxes would be raised in captivity, accustomed to living with people, and would be able to live happy lives. However, foxes are not dogs and require different care and training.
Good luck!
it's illegal to keep a fox in Texas fyi

plus from what i have read texas has a rabies quarantine on foxes, be careful
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Thanks for all the answers! I'm just gonna let it go at my Dads ranch. I know it's legal to trap foxes in texas. But wasn't so sure about keeping foxes. I'm just was so captivated by its beauty. Oh and I do own chickens. But when I was carrying it (it's in a live trap) I passed out chicken coop and once that fox heard those chickens he wanted to get away from those chickens. I thought that he would want to chase them. But his parents or him must have been attacked by a rooster.

Thanks for y'all's input.
He is not at ALL afraid of chickens. If you were carrying him in the trap, the ONLY thought on his mind was finding a way out of the trap. He probably didn't even notice the chickens!

I can guarantee he was there trying to figure out how to have a chicken dinner.

In case you are interested, it is probably illegal to transport the fox to turn it lose at another location. Also, you should research the statistics on how many relocated animals die a slow horrible death when relocated and released.
I just looked it up and TPWD says it legal to License or permit required to take, trap, possess or sell the animal or its pelt IF you have a license which I do. But all other sites say no pets. I'm not going to keep it but I'm very confused.

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