Turkey walking around with it's eyes closed


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
Raymond, NH
I am not sure what is going on but i have a turkey walking around with it's eyes closed. I let the birds out of coup this am and noticed her with one eye closed but now it seems like it's both. She is 18 weeks old. Anyone have an idea of what is wrong with her?
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that happened to our chicken and she died
but is she walking much and if she does does she fall over
She is walking around and NOT falling or tipping over, i just walked out onto the deck to check on her and she came running over with the rest. It sorta looks like her left eye is puffy and rolled back, the right eye looks normal.
Not sure what is wrong with her but have you attended to the eyes yet. I had a chicken that was born with it's eyes closed (different scenario) but I brought it inside and cleaned the eye area with warm water and bandaged it up and isolated it from the rest of the flock. I hand fed it until the next day. I took off the bandage and the eyes were open. You may want to get it, bring it inside and see if something is in it's eye or is the eye injured. I wonder if another turkey pecked it in it's eye. Can you take a pic of the turkey and post it so that we can see? Let's try to help this little girl
I let my 10 week old turkey babies out the other day and it kinda misted outside and I left them out over night. I noticed the next day their eyes were swollen and red fared and the feathers were all puffy the nose goe goo too. I puled the sick looking ones and used .30 cc of tylan and in 3 days they look good. Good luck
Looks like a rare case of eye worms(Oxyspirura mansoni)...if in fact it is, Ive had in 2 of my pheasants once. tough to treat.. comes from eating wood roaches that live outside in most wooded areas. treatment is tough as direct eye treatment is necessary. Ive wormed my pheasants with valbazen internally along with the use of drops of ivermectin right in the eye of the effected birds, it worked but persistents is key to killing the worm or worms of this type.
if not treated they will destroy the eye of the bird and it will go blind.
i must say do not use kerosene to treat this..which some claim it works, but will blind your bird or worse. trust me..

some info on mansoni
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