another use for pallets

can you build bee keeping boxes out of pallets? Or would the chemicals they treat them with kill the colony?
Some pallets are treated with chemicals, but many are heat treated.

With chemical treated pallets, the wood is fumigated with methyl bromide (pesticide). Pallets treated via this method bear the initials MB near the IPPC logo. (International Plant Protection Convention). You would not want to use these under any circumstances near bees or other livestock.

With heat treated pallets the wood is heated to achieve a minimum core temperature of 56 °C (132.8 °F) for at least 30 minutes. Pallets treated via this method bear the initials HT near the IPPC logo.

Treated wood pallets must be stamped on two opposite sides indicating either HT for heat treated or MB for methyl bromide treatment.
My husband loves pallets. He has built me coops - we use pallets on the paintball course - the kids build forts from them and defensive positions. My husband takes the pallets apart and even re uses the nails. At first I thought he was goofy but really as he says the nails work just fine and cost nothing.

This is the pallet coop he built. He asked for the pallets and some stores said no but most say yes. We get buckets from Bakeries too....Very handy
O'My it took long enough to figure out that I needed a new browser so I could upload pictures. Here they are; at first I was going to have the chicken pen in front of the door but then I thought to put it on the side and cut a small chicken door. Here are the two pictures. 49 pallets used

I like your pen. I'm planning on building something similar, except it would be for my garden to keep rabbits out. I never seem to get pallets that are the same size though. All the pallets I've collected seem to be different sizes. :(
This is a temporary run made of pallets when my girls were still young.

My coop cost $35.00 to build. Made from pallets and shipping crates i found for free. I had to buy screws and plexi glass to make the 2 side windows.

The shingles were free because I didn't care if they matched.

Got a gallon of miss tinted paint from Menards (home store) for $5.00. Lattice on bottom was found on craigslist, 4 full 4x8 sheets for $10.00

I got lucky that the cheep paint just happened to match the house and garage almost perfectly.

My wife even made a potato box for the garden with the leftover pallets.
@ newpioneer: I really like the mixed shingle look. Very charming. I was wondering about the paint. As I was reading I thought ' wow, must have been a lot of paint for $5 bucks ' (because everything matched). Then you cleared it up, LOL.
thanks. I was very lucky to have access to a lot of pallets. I work for a trucking co. and I could ''scavenge'' for wood all day long. everyday I would get a few. Craigslist has become an obsession. I check the ''free'' section everyday. tons of scrap lumber and pallets.

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