Are fertilized eggs yucky to eat?


10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
Wasn't sure how to word this -sorry!
We got two Cuckoo Marans today and picked the darkest ones in hopes of getting pullets.
But the two look so different from each other.
I am thinking one might be a roo.
So I am plotting to buy an acre of the ranch behind our property to get around the home owner's association restrictions.
I thought it was brilliant! but then my husband said he won't eat eggs with 'stuff' in them.
If I collect them daily then they should be okay even if fertilized right?
No stuff?
fertile eggs are no different the unfertile eggs as far as eating,even if they set a day you can't see or tell anything
they'll be fine and good eating
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They are fine, even if fertilized. Some grocery stores sell fertilized eggs as a premium egg, so charge more for them.

Good luck with your devious plan to buy that acre!
We and all our neighbors eat eggs with "stuff" in 'em. Just collect them everyday and you can't tell the difference. Ours even rummage through the mule poop and we still eat 'em.
most every egg you buy is fertilized.
Crack one open, look in the center of the yolk, see the white bullseye? That's the fertilized spot. I have yet to buy one that didnt have it.
As long as you collect daily, and dont let the incubation process start, you will never tell the difference.
Commercial egg layer barns have caged hens without roosters - there is no way for fertilization to occur from commercial caged hens without a rooster.

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