Arizona Senate Bill 1151

Hello Friends,

Whether this bill affects you or not, it is important to our friends that wish they could raise chickens in their own backyards, but can't because the minorities in the HOA's (this doesn't affect HOA's, but HOA's affect the town councils) and Municipalities law firms get paid lots of money to support their agenda. If you have a few minutes, please email and/or (preferably and) call these representatives to let them know you are in support of SB1151; restoring property rights, allow people to know where their food comes from and what went into it. You don't have to be in AZ to contact them.

Sonny Borrelli R [email protected] 602 926-5051

Doug Coleman R [email protected] 602 926-3160

Demion Clinco D [email protected] 602 926-4089

Thomas Forese R [email protected] 602 926-5168

Lydia Hernández D [email protected] 602 926-3376

John Kavanagh R [email protected] 602 926-5170

Warren Petersen R [email protected] 602 926-4136

Martín J. Quezada D [email protected] 602 926-5911

Michelle Ugenti R [email protected] 602 926-4480

Thank You!
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What a great bill. I e-mailed everyone on the list. Thanks for posting.

For those of you in HOAs, hang tight. If we can pass this bill and show that it is working for everyone, then we might be able to get HOAs on board. It's pretty funny that Chandler HOAs actually sent someone to the last committee meeting to speak against this bill. It's time to fight back HOA residents. The HOAs are trying to speak for the entire state, so we need the HOA's residents to counter them. Our representatives need to know that you, the residents of HOAs, are not happy and that the HOAs are not speaking on behalf of you as they claim to be.
I will likely call some of the above. I am on the outskirts of Tucson so I can do almost anything I want with livestock. And I have discovered the addictive nature of chickens. But I do recognize that there are limits imposed in places they should not. Is a shame, although to be fair the majority of people don't want to hear a rooster first thing in the morning.
SB1151 (Homegrown Freedom Act)

*Official Notice Of Vote On SB1151* 3-18-14 will be the House Committee Vote and will passage it will be onto the Full House for the Final Vote before it will be sent to the Governor.

Hello, I am the founder of Backyard Farmers United and the Author of SB1151. It looks like you have been getting updates here about our Bill.

Here are our contact links.
Facebook Fan Page -
Facebook Group for those that want to be more involved -
Website -
Email - [email protected]

We would love to get everyone's support look like the first committee vote in the house will be the 18th of March. Then the Final vote in the House would soon follow. If we pass both the Bill will be sent to the Governor.

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The bill states "THIS SECTION PREEMPTS ALL LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND CHARTER PROVISIONS TO THE CONTRARY." So does that mean HOA's are included because they are charters?
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A HOA is not a Charter. If you agreed to and signed a contract with rules and regulations for a community with a HOA and it says that you agree to not own fowl/chickens then this bill will not benefit you. This is a stepping stone bill.
I will likely call some of the above. I am on the outskirts of Tucson so I can do almost anything I want with livestock. And I have discovered the addictive nature of chickens. But I do recognize that there are limits imposed in places they should not. Is a shame, although to be fair the majority of people don't want to hear a rooster first thing in the morning.

personally rather here a rooster than the incessant dogs barking.
If you will take a minute and read the Bill SB1151 Rooster (aka male fowl) can be banned or allowed on lots. They can do this by lot size or whatever. The Bill also allows them to limit the number of birds in the same manner.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Title 9, chapter 4, article 6.1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 9-462.09, to read:
9-462.09. Backyard fowl regulation; prohibition; exceptions; state preemption
A. A municipality may not adopt a zoning ordinance that prohibits a resident of a single‑family detached residence from keeping fowl in the backyard of the property. A municipality may:
1. Restrict the number of fowl that a resident of a single-family detached residence may keep in the backyard of the property.
2. Prohibit or restrict a resident of a single-family detached residence from keeping male fowl, including roosters, unless the male fowl is incapable of making noise.
B. The property rights of property owners in this state are of statewide concern. This section preempts all local laws, ordinances and charter provisions to the contrary.


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