Arizona Senate Bill 1151

Some HOAs get fanatical with power. Where my daughter lives, they get written up every week for leaving their trash can out too long, even though the trash truck doesn't come until after they have all left for work and school and the first one home knows to get the can in ASAP. When a tree died in their front yard, they were given 2 weeks to replace it, even though it was in the dead of summer when it's never a good idea to transplant anything - they filed an appeal, and were given a waiver until the end of September. It's like they have no common sense, just power, power, and more power. I'll bet no one in their HOA would ever dare to have backyard chickens!!
Senator Farnsworth, has won the Republican primary for LD-16. He is the one that has been fighting for AZ land property rights in the form of SB1151. It's time to get him re-elected in November so we can get chicken bill 2.0 passed.
HOA rules can and do change over time.  HOA members have a vote in how the HOA opperates, and means of changing the CC&Rs and rules exist.  One person cannot change a rule, but if they can get sufficient neighbors to agree with the change, it can happen.  CC&Rs are difficult to change, so they don't often change.  However, laws and ordinances can invalidate portions of them. However ALLOWING something rather than GRANTING A RIGHT are very different things, and laws and ordinances more often allow rather than granting a right.  State laws vary, but HOAs in Arizona cannot disallow one from flying a flag, installing solar panels, putting out safety signs that warn to watch for children playing and several other things.

I'm going to try to spread the word around and see if we can change the rules in out HOA. Someone posted on the next page about some HOA's having too much power, I think I can easily say mine is in that bunch. Wondering if it'll be a problem, and just wondering what percentage of people are needed to change a rule like this? I guess it all varies where you live.
I live in Dateland were alot of people have chickens, ducks, geese , guinea fowl, horses, cows, pigs, ect. My family and I have lived out here for 20+ years we have chickens including roosters and countless other farm critters and id be darned if I let anyone tell me what I can and cant have on my property that I pay taxes on. I hope this bill passes so others can enjoy there chickens as much as I do.

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