Today is National Snuggle A Chicken Day! I hope you all celebrate by snuggling with your chooks!

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Today is National Snuggle A Chicken Day! I hope you all celebrate by snuggling with your chooks!

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I am pretty sure i hugged my chicken to death, because she disappeared, and didn't return until two days later. She was my first broody hen, so she is very special, and i was super happy when she returned.
I also read some were sad I had her pulled off the hill before she finished hatching. It really was in her best interest. I do not think she had came off the nest in 3 days and she was starving when I got her settled. She inhaled a whole can of wet cat food plus a handful of chicken feed. Here I can safely monitor the rest of the eggs progress and if I sense a chick is in trouble assist hatching if I need to. Plus now I do not worry about a predator finding that nest or any falling off into the creek on their way down. I was a nervous wreck yesterday before we got them. Those chicks are talkative. They announced to the world they were there.

Ah! Pony Sunday! Here you are!
Really Lenny? I give you this relaxing, cooling bath, and you ruin all of my hard work!!
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Me an Lenny after our ride. I did some cantering off of the lunge line!
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hahahaha - yep that's always the way - get them cleaned up and next thing they are down rolling!

Esp those white ones! Lenny is a darling :)
Momma's final total is just 4 chicks. I had to candle the eggs as her little ones were trying to escape the box and she was having a fit. The eggs all started but maybe made it halfway. Considering she is right at 9 years old and with the weather she decided to try to hatch in I think a 50% hatch rate is pretty good. She is happily now inside the coop with them and has them eating and drinking. I know she has to feel better, one of the first things she done was almost immediately start dust bathing.
I am SOOOOOO relieved that she is down off that hill face, and has 4 healthy chicks - I am just gobsmacked that she was killed by some predator, or froze to death....

So glad your brother braved her and that hillside! Good job everyone ESPECIALLY Momma Hen :) Well done!

Oh Rebecca you can breath now ❤️ 💕

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