2fer Tuesday

Tuff and Havoc
There was a Ruffed Grouse that flew in and went to the apple tree right near the run, and when it flew a brief alarm went out, so if it' had been hanging around earlier maybe that was it before. And the bucket got knocked over in the rush to get to safety.

Well - I am still concerned for the Spuds' health and watch them closely. I have been thinking about asking everyone's opinion: they appear to be acting well, eating a lot, not sleeping abnormally as far as I can tell, though they need more naps than the adults.

Anna's voice after the antibiotic treatment became more like it was before she got sick, clear and cheepy, but Tedi and Ida Diane both still have deep chesty peeps and boks, Ida Diane's in particular is very hoarse and rough sounding. Today Anna sneezed and Ida Diane did too. But other than how their voices sound they seem to be okay. Their nares are dirty, but no visible mucus or discharge, and no bubbles in the eyes.

I have been going by what I thought was the conventional wisdom in the case of respiratory illness, that they can live with it and have it the rest of their lives, it may wax and wane depending on stress and condition, but not to treat unless it interferes with them living their lives and they start behaving sickly.

I think it is also possible that the horrible exposure to mold in their first brooder shavings, which I think killed their two chick sisters, could have been the entrance for the bacterial infection Anna got, and maybe Ida Diane and Tedi are suffering from that mold exposure? But those two developed the chesty sounds and sneezes later, after Anna, so I'm not sure about this idea.

I hope that not treating unless sickly is the correct thing to do, and that their air sacs aren't all scarred and cause problems for them down the line. Or maybe all that is in the cards at this point anyway so I ought to look at it as battle scars and nothing to do about it now? If I were to give those two a course of antibiotics, what would be the goal? Would it help them, or maybe it is too late to treat now? If it is fungal- related, there would be no point (I think?). If I know they're okay as is, then when I note the way their voices sound I won't wonder, but since I'm unsure I keep thinking about it and doubting this path.
Sorry about this situation. I probably will wait to do anything then. I hope your other two spuds will grow out of it and be very healthy!
To all the Fluffy Butt old-timers, Blazinga says 'Hi!' :frow She's super-busy at the moment and hasn't been on BYC for ages, but she still has chickens. We talk outside BYC and she asked me to say hello to everyone.
Afternoon/evening Lozzy 😊💕 my chooks say hi back at your lovelies ❤️

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