Integrating 3 new chicks in with flock of 6, all same age


Apr 28, 2023
Alberta, Canada
Hi everyone!

I have a total of 8 young pullets, 1 cockeral right now. All are 9-10 weeks old now. 6 of the pullets + the cockerel (all bym) were brooded together, and I added the three extra pullets (two cream/one pearl legbar) about two weeks ago, when they were all about 7-8 weeks old.

There was some initial bullying, which has slowed down a lot, but the four of the initial 6 birds still won’t accept the three new girls, and chase them around/peck at them. No injuries at all, but it’s like I have two separate flocks, one of which looks a little worse for the wear feather wise lol.

They have a 40sqft coop (heated if it gets to 10 or below since they’re still young birds), and a 250 sqft run, multiple different roost options, and space.

Is there anything else I can try at this point to get them all to integrate, or do I just need to be patient? Is there a chance the three legbars will never be accepted and always be skittish and scared around the other birds? New to chickens so just looking for some insight here. Thanks!
do I just need to be patient?
It's not unusual for new chicks to be a 'sub-flock'.
Once they are all laying things will probably even out.
As long as no one is getting pinned down and beaten unmercilessly, and they can eat and drink without harassment, let them work it out.
Multiple feed and water stations spread out can help.
At that age you don't need to be providing any heat until it gets well below 0 F. As log as you can safely it won't hurt, it's just not necessary.

I agree with Aart. It's not unusual for them to form sub-flocks. When I'm integrating my only concern is that no one gets injured. They'll sort all that other stuff out as they mature.

I have a total of 8 young pullets, 1 cockeral right now. All are 9-10 weeks old now. 6 of the pullets + the cockerel (all bym) were brooded together, and I added the three extra pullets (two cream/one pearl legbar) about two weeks ago, when they were all about 7-8 weeks old.
Not that it matters but I'll tease you. You have a total of 8 pullets. 6 are original and 3 are newer. Where did you learn math? :oops: Whether it is 8 or 9 pullets and a cockerel, you have sufficient room so it really doesn't matter.

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