Mix Bielefelder and Barnevelder


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2023
Lieren, Netherlands
Hello all,

I am a loyal reader but this will be my first post. I have a mixed flock of double laced Barnevelder and Bielefelders. I have 2 double laced Barnevelder roosters and 16 double laced Barnevelders hens and 4 Bielefelder hens.

I am normaly only hatching my Barnevelder eggs but i am getting more and more curious what will come out of the eggs from my Bielefelders.

So the question is what can i expect from the eggs of the Bielefelder hens and the double laced Barnevelder rooster? Will the chicks still be autosexing chicks? Will the hens from these eggs when they grow up looking like a mix or will they look like more of one of each?

Best regards,

These are the chicks we ended up with we just put 4 eggs in the incubator to see how they will be in the end. All 4 eggs pipped at the same time and hatched within 3 hours of eachother 1 exactly on the beginning of day 21. A very nice result i have no idea what they are if they are boys or girls. But we are very happy how it turned out.
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These are the chicks we ended up with we just put 4 eggs in the incubator to see how they will be in the end. All 4 eggs pipped at the same time and hatched within 3 hours of eachother 1 exactly on the beginning of day 21. A very nice result i have no idea what they are if they are boys or girls. But we are very happy how it turned out.
Hi there! I’d love to hear how your chicks are turning out? I hatched chicks from my Bielefelder hens (mix breed but not barred Roos). Unfortunately I couldn't determine gender until combs popped and barred color appeared around 4 weeks old.
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Hi there! I’d love to hear how your chicks are turning out? I hatched chicks from my Bielefelder hens (mix breed but not barred Roos). Unfortunately I could determine gender under combs popped and barred color appeared around 4 weeks old.
Hello, it was actualy the same case for us. The rooster became at 4 week more clearer by growing a bigger comb. If i really start investigating the pictures maybe the hens had a better and more clearer chipmunk pattern at 1 day old but not a real big difference. We ended up with all the chicks healthy and only 1 rooster. The chicks are doing great the fun part is one developed very fast with feathering and tail growt and the rooster much slower but 1 hen was as well very slow even slower than the rooster with her feathers and growing no tail. All hens developed at a different rate with feathering and tail growth. I will find some pictures and will post them soon.
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These are the chicks we ended up with we just put 4 eggs in the incubator to see how they will be in the end. All 4 eggs pipped at the same time and hatched within 3 hours of eachother 1 exactly on the beginning of day 21. A very nice result i have no idea what they are if they are boys or girls. But we are very happy how it turned out.
Do you know which one of these turned out to be your rooster? I would guess the second from the top, because it looks like it has the slightest of white headspots, which means he'd feather in barred.
Do you know which one of these turned out to be your rooster? I would guess the second from the top, because it looks like it has the slightest of white headspots, which means he'd feather in barred.
That is correct. The one chick that is the rooster had as well a slightest headspot. Actually it was better to see on the pictures than in real. The pictured rooster chick is indeed second from the top and as well the fifth picture from the top.

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