Rooster sounds congested and lethargic. HELP!


Jun 29, 2016

Barnevelder, 7 months do not know his weight but seems lighter than a week ago. He is lethargic and seems congested. He has been acting like this for about 4 days. There is no sign of trauma. His comb is a darker red in color. He has been eating feed but lately it has been less. I have not been able to determine his poop. I was wondering if there is anything natural I can do for him that would help. I use pine shavings and he lives like a KING and a bit on the spoiled side. Thank you for any help that you can offer. He really is a sweet boy.
Poor sweet boy. How can you tell he’s congested? Is there any sneezing, coughing, discharge? I am learning on these forums that the crop is often the first place to look. Please check that his crop is empty in tbe morning and let us know. I do wonder about a respiratory infection, but I think we need more info to tell. Can you bring him in so you can monitor him more closely and provide a calm, warm environment? How is he eating lately?
To get him to eat, try mixing feed with plain yogurt and give him some "treats" with extra protein (tuna, boiled/scramble egg, mealworms, etc...) Maybe some Nutri Drench & vitamins/electrolytes in his water. Is he drinking? Separate him, keep him warm & check his poop. Any other symptoms?
How is he today?

You mention he sound congested - is he coughing, wheezing?
Have you changed/added anything in the coop, bedding, run?
How is his crop - is it emptying overnight?
Any chance he ingested anything moldy?

Bringing him in is a good idea, but please do not put him in a cool, air conditioned room. A sick chicken needs to be kept warm (75-80F).
See that he is drinking very well. Sometimes you will need to investigate to determine what might be causing him problems - sounding congested can be numerous things from a crop issue, moldy feed, dust/poor ventilation to respiratory illness. Check him over for lice/mites as well.

If you have vet care, that is always best.

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