Wrapped roost bars


Jun 8, 2020
Has anyone ever wrapped their roost bars with Manila rope or rope in general? I’m curious if this is really a thing within the chicken world. It makes sense that the rope would allow more air flow around the chicken’s feet to prevent or lessen bumblefoot but aside from one online retailer, I’ve never read anything about it. It was supposedly recommended by a veterinarian for the above reasons. It wasn’t an expensive upgrade to my coop so I did it but again curious if anyone else has done the same with good results. Again, I’m using it prophylactically with other preventative measures to hopefully maintain a healthy flock.
I haven't heard of it for chickens but I have heard of it for zoos and raptor rehabs because birds of prey tend to stay perched on limbs for long periods of time all day and night long.
They’re removable so if I have to I plan to just pressure wash them whenever needed but so far (we’re only a few weeks in for this new coop...girls are 19 weeks) no one has pooped on the bars. I’m sure they’ll get dirty as time passes but I’ve noticed most of the dirtiness comes from them having dirty feet as they walk across the floor to the bars. They’re free range and their feet stay really clean...surprisingly! I was expecting more poop. I also ordered industrial hemp bedding and hopefully once it arrives this week I can start my deep litter base and then the floor will remain cleaner. Pine shavings are terrible and don’t absorb anything. I guess if all else fails I can just unwrap the bars and leave as bare wood. Good insight. Thank u. :)
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@rosemarythyme Oh gosh! Ugh! I didn’t think of red mites. Do u think sprinkling the bars with DE would be beneficial? I add DE to their dust baths. I know this is controversial but I use it preventatively without issues. The bars are removable so I would remove them to clean. They just pop out. The base of the coop is lined with food grade HDPE so it can handle moisture but I wouldn’t spray it with water. Any advice for red mite prevention? I appreciate the insight. Thank u!
Mites aren't really something you can treat preventatively, at least, not with chemicals or that sort of thing. Not bringing in mite infested birds from other flocks and keeping wild birds and rodents out of coop and run, is what you can reasonably do to reduce the chances of having a mite problem.

By itself, a rope around a roost won't cause a mite problem but IF you get a mite infestation, they'll definitely take advantage of all those crevices to hide in.
Ive heard of some doing it... but I wouldn't. Just the poop factor alone would make me want to burn the roost where they stood. Cleaning them would be a nightmare.

Just couldn't imagine HOW you would clean them.
Sounds optimal for red mites (at which point I'd burn the rope).
@rosemarythyme Oh gosh! Ugh! I didn’t think of red mites. Do u think sprinkling the bars with DE would be beneficial? I add DE to their dust baths. I know this is controversial but I use it preventatively without issues. The bars are removable so I would remove them to clean. They just pop out. The base of the coop is lined with food grade HDPE so it can handle moisture but I wouldn’t spray it with water. Any advice for red mite prevention? I appreciate the insight. Thank u!
I was thinking of using DE in my chicken food or bedding until I read up more on it and was educated by others who had experience with it and decided not too. The risk was not worth the hype in my op.


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