Wrapped roost bars

@rosemarythyme Oh gosh! Ugh! I didn’t think of red mites. Do u think sprinkling the bars with DE would be beneficial? I add DE to their dust baths. I know this is controversial but I use it preventatively without issues. The bars are removable so I would remove them to clean. They just pop out. The base of the coop is lined with food grade HDPE so it can handle moisture but I wouldn’t spray it with water. Any advice for red mite prevention? I appreciate the insight. Thank u!
if you use hemp rope, it repels mites as does hemp bedding. as far as claws getting caught, if the rope is wrapped tightly, there is no problem. as far as poop goes, the birds shouldn't be pooping on the bars if they are let out to a run area during the day. Generally most hens backsides clear the Roosting bars at night. that said the perches need to be removable so that you can pressure clean or hose them down if required (which as i said if they are not kept in the roosting section except at night, should not be a problem at all. after hosing or cleaning, if it is hemp rope it will dry very quickly.
For reference, check out Carolina coops.com, although they are not in australia, the principles are exactly the same
hello I was reading your post regarding wrapping your roost bars with rope. did you end up doing it? If so, would you recommend it? I’ve had a problem with bumble foot and was wondering if it would make a difference. Thanks.

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