broody hen

  1. A

    First time chick mom - 3 hens broody at once

    Hi there, I have 3 hens sitting in 3 nesting boxes. 2 started within days of each other, and the 3rd started a week late. The boxes are 36 inches off the floor. Should I move all 3 when the chicks hatch to the floor in separate boxes or put them in the shed I. The run? Should I build a ramp to...
  2. N

    Egg eating broody

    Good morning I have a broody who has been broody for way too long - she started with another broody who has hatched her eggs - I had been trying to break this broody bc she will only sit in the favorite box - I’ve named her Baracuda bc she is such a pecker when I’m near her nest😂. After she...
  3. Meme1991

    Lets play! Hen or roo!

    Hi everyone! I have two 7 week old Blue Isbars. I'm hoping someone will be able to tell if they are pullets or cockerels. Their hatch date was 4/21. Their names are on each photo. Let me know what you think. Thank you 😊 💓 ☺️ ☺️
  4. J

    Rotten egg broken under broody hen

    Broody Hen sitting on 9 eggs I check periodically. She is due to hatch any day now. now there were only 5 eggs, that are all covered in gunk and it smells totally rotten under there. Poor thing, it really stinks. this could have been like this for a few days already. Should I remove...
  5. smokeater413

    Pale comb on brooding hen.

    Broody hen about 14 days in, I am concerned about her pale comb and waddle. Anyone confirm or refute my concern?
  6. PlentifulPrairie

    Hen hatching out eggs - need advice

    Hi my broody buff orphington is sitting on eggs. I've been candling them through the process. This is my 2nd time doing this. There are some eggs that are probably 4 days apart, I have 6 total all seem to be fertilized and growing (seem, I'm new to this!). My question should I do anything...
  7. H

    Newly broody Turkey and almost to lockdown eggs.

    So I have a 2 year old black Spanish hen that has just gone broody within the last couple of days. We do not have a tom anymore for fertile Turkey eggs to hatch and I have an incubator full of eggs due to hatch this Saturday (5 days away). If she just went broody, is it too soon to put chicken...
  8. LyddieB

    Letting broody hen hatch her eggs

    This will be our first time letting one of our broody hens hatch out her eggs, so I have a few questions if anyone can help answer. Do we separate the hen from the flock when her eggs hatch? How long does she stay/help raise (with) the chicks? How long before she is laying eggs again? Thank all...
  9. ravensravelry

    Broody hatching advice

    Hello! I have a silkie hen that has been broody over a clutch for just over a week now. I'm checking every day to make sure no one has hatched(I know hatch date is 21-26 days but I'm making sure 😂), but this leads me to my question; when they do hatch, is it better to take them out into a...
  10. D

    Help broody mama left her nest overnight after 28 days, should I try incubating eggs?!

    Hi everyone! My mallard duck has been broody for 28 days and yesterday into last night she seems to be done being broody and abandoned the eggs. It got down to about 50°f last night. Would that be too cold to try to salvage the eggs and attempt to hatch them in the incubator? Thank you
  11. O

    Successful Chick Adoption 🥰

    Just wanted to share my new mama Marguerite and how getting her to adopt some babies went. She went broody for the first time a few weeks ago and we just happened to have new babies coming from McMurray in exactly 21 days so we thought we’d try to get her to adopt the new layers. We weren’t able...
  12. A

    Is my coop too high for baby chicks?

    My blue Cochin, Petunia, has been broody for about 2 weeks and I plan to give her some chicks in a few days. She has been brooding in a nesting box in the coop. The coop is about 3 feet off the ground. I can put a lot of straw on the ground, so would that help their descent? Do you think they...
  13. K

    Should I take newborn chicks away from broody hen?

    Hi there! I have four eggs under my Silkie naked neck hen. I have her in the laying box and put a separating wall away from the rest of the flock. She hatched one yesterday and I moved the chick to a brooder box inside. Now she has hatched two more, so one more egg to hatch. I have read that...
  14. Cloverr39

    Help me with my school project! (Incubator vs broody hen)

    I have a school project in biology about hatching chiks. I'm looking for some information on these topics. The topics are: 1. Hatching chicks with an incubator 2. Hatching chicks under a broody hen 3. Comparing the two methods I would love some basic info as well as pros and cons of both...
  15. lmadeline146

    Incubators or Broody Hens & why?

    I’m deciding between having a hen hatch eggs for me this year or using an incubator. If you prefer one over the other, could you describe why? I’m doing research on the pros and cons of both so anything is helpful.
  16. jabou29

    Broody hen hatching first clutch of eggs.

    I have a Bantam Cochin hen who went broody on Dec 30-31. She’s been sitting on 4eggs. We didn’t want much chicks as we already incubated 23 eggs 21days before and hatched out 18 chicks but only one of these eggs belongs to her and the rest to our other bantams. The problem is we don’t know the...
  17. lissasmomma1

    Is it normal to go Broody..

    My question may sound stupid. I've only been raising chickens four years. So I'm still fairly new at it. I had a question about broodiness. My sweet girl Icicle Frost, a light Sussex. Just started laying her first eggs, as did her adopted sister Ursla Seashell. I'm wondering. Is it NORMAL to go...
  18. J

    First time broody hen - first time chicken owner - help?!

    Hi all - I am a first time chicken owner and I had no intentions on hatching chicks but one of my hens had other plans. I’m sorry for the long post ahead but I’m trying to give as much info as possible to get an answer. If it helps, I live in New Zealand (Northland) I can’t be sure but I think...
  19. TheBirdBabe

    Do broody hens get squishy crops?

    I have a silkie hen (who is about 8-10 months old) that's broody. She refuses to get off her nest, mind you that's in the floor in a corner where everyone sleeps. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yesterday while trying to move her to a less messy area, I noticed her chest area felt squishy. Now, I know this usually means...
  20. Understanding the Confusing and Mysterious Language of Chickens (With Three Tips to Become More Fluent)

    Understanding the Confusing and Mysterious Language of Chickens (With Three Tips to Become More Fluent)

    Every experienced chicken owner knows that their birds have a large (and sometimes funny!) vocabulary that allows them to communicate with the flock. From a cock-a-doodle-do to the squawk of a broody hen, chickens always seem to have the right word to describe what they are feeling. A hen may...
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