broody hen

  1. B

    Its normal for the hen to have different "aged" eggs right? And when is the best time to move her

    This is my first time ever owning chickens, I didn't expect a broody hen until spring not to mention her to be successful. My girl has had a nest for almost 3 weeks and her eggs are in different stages of development. They appear to range from day 9 to day 19, this is normal right? Especially...
  2. Aprilxoxo

    2 turkey hens on same nest

    Hi everyone i have 2 turkey hens and one went broody. I got her some chicken eggs and everything has been perfectly fine but now my other hen has decided she wants to "help". At first she would go in when the broody went out to eat and stretch but now shes scooching into the same nest box next...
  3. thronesandroses

    Broody hen won’t stop being broody! We are trying everything. What do we do now?!

    We have a broody hen. A couple days after she started being broody, a raccoon got into the coop before sundown and attacked her. Luckily, we have cameras and were able to stop the attack and take care of the raccoon. We brought her indoors to our bathroom for a couple nights to treat her for...
  4. C

    Is it time to return broody mom back with her Crew

    Good day… I have a broody Buff. She was sitting on 6 eggs. Thus far 2 have survive they are about 3 or 4 days old. I found 2 dead ones in the crate and I see one egg and dunno where the other egg is. It’s a medium size crate but yesterday she was doing a lot of leg stretching. I have a HUGE...
  5. H

    Broody Hen pecked her chicks?!

    I have a hen who just hatched two chicks yesterday. She has hatched many chicks for me before and been one of the best mommas. But when I checked on them in the afternoon both chicks had head injuries like she had pecked them! They were in a brooder box inside, so no predators. Do you think the...
  6. C

    Chicken & Guinea hen mating

    I currently own one male guinea hen who has became the "pack leader" of my flock of chickens. Recently I noticed the male guinea hen has started mating with the hens. Around the same time my hens have stopped laying in the coop and all have been laying in a nest they share in some brush. One of...
  7. M

    Broody Hen Killed Chicks

    I have a broody hen (first time) who incubated five eggs. We marked them and removed any other eggs she took that the other hens laid that she added to her pile. She killed the first two chicks that hatched, so we took the other three and put them in the incubator. They are all doing well, but...
  8. lavendermarie

    Can chicks get squished by eggs in the nest?

    My broody hen is due to hatch her eggs any day now! She’s sitting on twelve eggs, and I had a nerve racking thought. Could any babies that end up hatching get squished by the other eggs? It’s pretty tight under there with all of the eggs, so while for example one of two have hatched and there’s...
  9. The chicken nurd

    Broody hen

    Hey everyone I have a very broody hen who I’m gonna try and make her stop being broody it’s been a long time since I’ve head to deal with a broody bird any tips on how long to keep her locked up etc. Thanks in advance :)
  10. Puddingtheamericana

    Broody Hen Incubates Eggs

    One of our chickens is broody, so my family did something we’ve never done before, and we got some fertile trader jose eggs for her to sit on. now, she is currently in a big wooden box that we’ve used to brood our birds before. wood shaving nest with the eggs in the corner, she’s always sitting...
  11. Neuroscigirl

    Opinions on a broody hen

    I have three very persistent broody hens and it got me wondering... What does everyone do when they have broody hens? I'm curious to hear people's creative solutions. Do you let them hatch? Give away the babies? Get them chicks to adopt? Try to break them? Not sure what I'm going to do. Had...
  12. M

    Broody hen pecking at chick

    Hi! I came home from vacation and saw that my 2 broody hens had 8 chicks and 4 eggs that were still occupied. One of the eggs had pipped and seemed like it was having trouble coming out. I removed some of the shell to assist it and it came out fine. However the two hens are occupied with the...
  13. lavendermarie

    My broody hen took another egg!

    I have a broody golden sebright x light brahma bantam cross. She’s a tiny little hen and she’s been laying on 5 eggs for about four days. But today, someone layed an egg in her nesting box and she took it. And since I had an egg I really wanted to hatch and she had already taken the one from...
  14. Tarynj

    Missing head feathers

    So I have several chickens who are losing feathers just on their heads.. They will be a year in August so I don't think it's molting. I've checked their wings and vent for lice or mites and not seeing anything nor are they losing feathers else where... I did deep clean their coop today and...
  15. lavendermarie

    Tiny broody chicken

    Saturn, my golden laced sebright bantam x light brahma bantam cross has gone broody just last night. As you can imagine, she’s a tiny thing. And I didnt get a chance to look that well as I didn’t want to disturb her, but I think she’s sitting on about six eggs? Possibly a couple bantams, a few...
  16. A

    Broody hen in a raised coop?

    I have a 2 year old buff orpington, Bubbles, that has gone broody. I am glad for this because with the price of chicken in my area, we plan on culling the oldest birds in our flock of 12 and these natural replacements will be perfect timing. But I have a problem. My 20-bird capacity coop is...
  17. Pufna

    Hen making broody noise but not sittint in a nest box

    One of my pullets is making the broody hen noise while free ranging for a few days now, but she doesn't lay in the nest. The thing is that she's the only one of my 10 hens/pullets that is laying eggs outside while free ranging instead of in the coop. All her eggs are collected and something...
  18. Pufna

    The most eggs you let your broody hen hatch?

    When I was searching for answer to how many eggs should I put under a broody hen, most of the times the answer is 10-12 eggs the size which broody hen lays. I actually put 15 under my Buff Orpington mix pullet (sadly I don't know what else she's mixed with, but I guess it's brahma bc she has...
  19. Pufna

    2 broody hens, 2 different hatch dates, same place?

    I have a broody hen which is hatching her eggs today, and the other which went broody yesterday. I plan to move the one that just went broody to the same place with the one that's hatching today, but I'm not sure if that's good. I also plan to separate them with some sort of fabric so they...
  20. thronesandroses

    Do roosters stop being fertile completely eventually? 3 broody hens, no fertile eggs. Advise please.

    We had a hen go broody which encouraged 2 others to go broody so now we have 3 broody hens. We have a rooster and would like to have the hens raise chicks naturally. This rooster has successfully given us chicks last year. We are trying not to interfere too much but have candled several of the...
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