a He or a She? Rhode Island Red


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 26, 2007
Utah Valley
OK. Don't know if this is a he or a she. It's the bolder of the two birds that i got as peeps last spring. I assumed they were sisters, but I just don't know anymore.



and for contrast, this is the sister...


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I would add that the one at the top is closer to laying than the one on the bottom. Notice how her comb is brighter red than the one on the bottom? I'd be watching for her to be visiting the nest box soon!
ahhh - very interesting cause when i went to pick that first one up today she did the whole low back, wings splayed, submissive thing that my silkie did when she was laying. So good to know. She's always making some kind of low long clucking noise - not quite a growl but much noisier than the others who contentedly just quietly cluck. Would they mature at different rates?
sorry to be contradictory to everyone else but i reckon that top bird is a roo...our RIR roo looks a heck of lot like that!

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