Broody- Odd egg.


9 Years
Jan 1, 2011
I have a broody who's hatching today, and I think I have a problem I've yet to encounter.

I stopped checking eggs at about day 16-17, but have been making sure she eats and poops. As I went to feed her this morning, I noticed they're starting to hatch! But under her wing there was what looked and felt to be a soft shelled egg with a large solid mass in it.

None of the eggs 4-5 days ago were soft shelled, and none of the other hens have ever laid a soft shelled egg, or accessed the broody's area. (She's crated)
I am not sure how many eggs are under her, since she's hatching and I don't want to move her, but I know for a fact all the eggs she had were hard shelled this week.

Could this be one she's been sitting on, and it somehow lost a shell? Should I try and help whatever mass is in there out? I don't think it has a chance, but I don't want to kick myself for not trying, if there's a reasonable chance I could save it... I can't say I'm really interested in seeing a half developed embryo however.

I am not going to do anything until the other eggs have all finished, but they're getting close now. At what point do I pull this out of the nest, so she doesn't try and eat it if it's not viable?
dont pull it out of its nest unless the hen leaves it it was prbably a hard shelled egg and when it was breaking out the outer shell fell of revealing the inner membrane dont worry it will be fine this happened to me too
Hm. Should've helped.

You were right about the egg breaking off, but the chick looks like it got shrink wrapped and died. Mom pushed it out of the nest.
oh thats sad that happened to me except three of mine died hatching fully formed but dead i was so sad
sorry to hear about that but did any others hatch?

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