Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hey There! I am currently dealing with a 2 year old sick hen and I just want to say I am so thankful for this forum!!! Everyone is so kind and helpful!!! Lucky gal here to be able to have 12 girls in my flock and for the most part have been very healthy! Praying for my Cinnamon Girl to pull through! 🙏🙏🙏
This is a fantastic place to get help and learn more about poultry!

12 hens is a nice number to have in your flock.
Hi folks!

Long time no see! Life has been super busy and our chicken journey has been just feeding and caring for the ones we have. I ordered chicks for the first time in…. Three years I think. They just got shipped today. My mom (who lives down the lane) has some broodies that were going to pop the chicks under I ordered 10 blue layer pullets, 10 BC Maran pullets, 2 cream legbar cockerels and two BC Maran cockerels. I plan to hatch some olive eggers out of them next year. I also have an order for LF White Cornish eggs for some time this spring/summer. I do have some Cornish left, but they’re all 4+ years old at this point. I’m gonna hatch out some eggs from them and I’ll use any whites or jubilee that hatch to breed with the new strain I ordered. I don’t have any photos of the birds at the moment that aren’t ancient.

We still have American Guinea Hogs. We have two breeders and 6 1 year olds. We are trying to figure out how to make their pens better.

The kids are doing well. I’ve kept some folks in the Squatch Watchers thread updated, but we currently have 5 kids, all boys.

We have Thing 1 who is now almost 8, Thing 2 who is almost 5, and the youngest Thing 3 is himself 3 years old. They are growing like weeds. Since Sept 2022, we’ve also had two foster sons, 8 and 9 years old. They were attending our church with their mom and she asked us to take them in when they were removed by CPS. The parents were never able to get things straightened out and their rights were terminated late last year. As of almost 2 weeks ago, their case has been moved to adoption and we are starting the process of adopting them. We should be able to get that done within the next 6 months.

Here are some photos of the Things, I don’t post their faces but you’ll be able to see how big they’ve gotten. One photo is when we were watching the partial eclipse, the other is Things 2 and 3 in Darth Vader Hoodies. I can’t post photos of the foster kids at all until the adoption is over.
Thanks for the update!

Congratulations on the new flock and the growing family!
Hi, I haven't been on for a while. A few things have happened since I was last here. Of my 10 chicks that I ordered, 4 survived. Have never experienced losses like that! Then, I purchase 4 pullets - that is the way to go IMO. Got 2 Jersey Giants and 2 Ameribellas. Well, the Jersey girls were also the mean girls. They were beating up my EEs so bad! They are now gone.
Replaced them with 2 8 week old Shetland hen pullets. Absolutely adorable little bits.
Also, got 2 Shetland hens that are laying the nicest blue and green eggs. Got a rooster that is a cross between a Shetland and a BCM. Gorgeous boy.
Once the little girls start laying I am going to mix the flock. Very happy with my bird blend.
It sounds like you are getting the flock dynamics sorted out!

You will have a very pretty egg basket.
Hi folks!

Long time no see! Life has been super busy and our chicken journey has been just feeding and caring for the ones we have. I ordered chicks for the first time in…. Three years I think. They just got shipped today. My mom (who lives down the lane) has some broodies that were going to pop the chicks under I ordered 10 blue layer pullets, 10 BC Maran pullets, 2 cream legbar cockerels and two BC Maran cockerels. I plan to hatch some olive eggers out of them next year. I also have an order for LF White Cornish eggs for some time this spring/summer. I do have some Cornish left, but they’re all 4+ years old at this point. I’m gonna hatch out some eggs from them and I’ll use any whites or jubilee that hatch to breed with the new strain I ordered. I don’t have any photos of the birds at the moment that aren’t ancient.

We still have American Guinea Hogs. We have two breeders and 6 1 year olds. We are trying to figure out how to make their pens better.

The kids are doing well. I’ve kept some folks in the Squatch Watchers thread updated, but we currently have 5 kids, all boys.

We have Thing 1 who is now almost 8, Thing 2 who is almost 5, and the youngest Thing 3 is himself 3 years old. They are growing like weeds. Since Sept 2022, we’ve also had two foster sons, 8 and 9 years old. They were attending our church with their mom and she asked us to take them in when they were removed by CPS. The parents were never able to get things straightened out and their rights were terminated late last year. As of almost 2 weeks ago, their case has been moved to adoption and we are starting the process of adopting them. We should be able to get that done within the next 6 months.

Here are some photos of the Things, I don’t post their faces but you’ll be able to see how big they’ve gotten. One photo is when we were watching the partial eclipse, the other is Things 2 and 3 in Darth Vader Hoodies. I can’t post photos of the foster kids at all until the adoption is over.
Omg Red! I'm so glad the Things are getting 2 extra brothers!
We are growing our flock, we have issues with eggs disappearing out of the nesting boxes. We mark the ones the hens sit on, and sometimes it's days, other times 2 weeks, they are gone replaced by new eggs. We are considering buying baby chicks and switching them for eggs. We have a friend that's had great success with this so he can help us.

We are also mixing up our own food. My husband put together a spread sheet to calculate how much protein each grain has so we can custom blend the mix for them. The birds absolutely love it. There's no waste like with store bought food and they aren't eating as much. It's more expensive overall, but the fact they don't eat as much may save us money in the long run.
A snake or rat is the likely culprit.
Hi everyone, I came here today researching Marek's and chicken leg problems. Our Gertie ( silver laced Wyandotte) lost use of her left leg yesterday. Today is Tuesday and the vet can't see her until next tuesday. I'm worried about her circulation. Being still and not moving much is not good for anyone. Somewhere I read something about a chicken brace or swing to hold her body evenly, but I can not find any links to that. She is one year old. Is eating okay. I have her separated from her flock...Q: would more than one chicken have Marek's if this were the case? just another thought...any input is welcome as I have no idea what to do but research until Tuesday's Appointment.
Just take an old tshirt cut a square out. Then cut a couple of holes for her legs and one for her tail you can tie the top over something to suspend her where her feet just touch the ground. Watch closely for a little while to make sure she doesn't tip herself over.
Good luck with the vet appointment. I hope everything goes well for her.
Hi folks!

Long time no see! Life has been super busy and our chicken journey has been just feeding and caring for the ones we have. I ordered chicks for the first time in…. Three years I think. They just got shipped today. My mom (who lives down the lane) has some broodies that were going to pop the chicks under I ordered 10 blue layer pullets, 10 BC Maran pullets, 2 cream legbar cockerels and two BC Maran cockerels. I plan to hatch some olive eggers out of them next year. I also have an order for LF White Cornish eggs for some time this spring/summer. I do have some Cornish left, but they’re all 4+ years old at this point. I’m gonna hatch out some eggs from them and I’ll use any whites or jubilee that hatch to breed with the new strain I ordered. I don’t have any photos of the birds at the moment that aren’t ancient.

We still have American Guinea Hogs. We have two breeders and 6 1 year olds. We are trying to figure out how to make their pens better.

The kids are doing well. I’ve kept some folks in the Squatch Watchers thread updated, but we currently have 5 kids, all boys.

We have Thing 1 who is now almost 8, Thing 2 who is almost 5, and the youngest Thing 3 is himself 3 years old. They are growing like weeds. Since Sept 2022, we’ve also had two foster sons, 8 and 9 years old. They were attending our church with their mom and she asked us to take them in when they were removed by CPS. The parents were never able to get things straightened out and their rights were terminated late last year. As of almost 2 weeks ago, their case has been moved to adoption and we are starting the process of adopting them. We should be able to get that done within the next 6 months.

Here are some photos of the Things, I don’t post their faces but you’ll be able to see how big they’ve gotten. One photo is when we were watching the partial eclipse, the other is Things 2 and 3 in Darth Vader Hoodies. I can’t post photos of the foster kids at all until the adoption is over.
Congratulations on the adoptions! Those are some lucky little boys!

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