Chicken suddenly sick, laid a ruptured egg??


11 Years
Sep 28, 2012
I have a white Easter Egger, Sushi, who suddenly looked under the weather today, she was standing alone and felt weak, I was only able to feel a bit of food in her crop. I offered her some pigeon feed that she loves to eat but had no interest, she didn't have interest in drinking either or soggy chick starter mash (another they love to eat).

I watched her and she would just slowly walk into a corner and sit there, fast forward an hour later she was still in the same spot but I noticed her vent, it looked like she had been struggling to lay an egg as it looked slightly prolapsed.
She had trouble laying an egg about a month or two ago, I had soaked her in warm water while applying vegetable oil around her vent so it could pass easier. She laid the egg and continued laying normally and was herself again until today (? though I cannot recall collecting or finding her eggs in the past day or two).
As I took a closer look she tried laying the egg again, it looked rather small and it was still round but when she was finally able to pass it through it was all ruptured like a shriveled up soft shell but I saw no yolk or egg whites.
She was a TINY BIT more perkier but not much, I was able to get her to drink a little bit of water but not eat still.

What could be the problem here? Her face looks clean, normal red color, no watery/bubbly eyes, no abnormal breathing sounds, anything else I should look for?

She's almost a year old and I feed my birds layer pellets. Unfortunately I don't think I can take her to the vet as my family is going out of state tomorrow and we'll be gone for 2 days.
It sucks to see my most friendly girl like this.
She probably was egg bound with a shell-less egg that eventually burst. I would make sure that she is getting layer feed plus give them crushed egg shell in a separate bowl. If she has been getting all that, she might have a problem with her shell gland, which can be affected by infectious bronchitis virus, or injuries. Having an egg break inside can set her up for infection in her reproductive tract. Hoepfully, this is just a one time event. Keep at least two or more water stations around, since not drinking enough can be another cause of egg binding.
I think she lays the largest eggs out of all my hens, maybe it's becoming too much for her? Also an update: I saw her drink a bit of water on her own and peck a little food off the ground, she looked a bit more relieved than earlier.
What's the best way to clean out her vent if she still has egg stuff inside her?? I hope she's alright by the time we come back home.
Layer feed is their main source of food but i do have oyster shells i can offer her
She probably was egg bound with a shell-less egg that eventually burst. I would make sure that she is getting layer feed plus give them crushed egg shell in a separate bowl. If she has been getting all that, she might have a problem with her shell gland, which can be affected by infectious bronchitis virus, or injuries. Having an egg break inside can set her up for infection in her reproductive tract. Hoepfully, this is just a one time event. Keep at least two or more water stations around, since not drinking enough can be another cause of egg binding.
I think she lays the largest eggs out of all my hens, maybe it's becoming too much for her? Also an update: I saw her drink a bit of water on her own and peck a little food off the ground, she looked a bit more relieved than earlier.
What's the best way to clean out her vent if she still has egg stuff inside her?? I hope she's alright by the time we come back home.
Layer feed is their main source of food but i do have oyster shells i can offer her

I have a somewhat similar situation with my 5 year old EE. She lays large eggs and laid more than the 2 year olds last couple of months. But she hasn’t laid a decent egg for days. A few days ago, She was in the nest, came out with no egg. A couple of days later, I found a broken green shell in the nest, no yolk. The next morning, she wouldn’t eat, hid in their “apartment”. ( a separate little section of the run). But in the afternoon she was behaving normally again.

This morning, she was in the nest, with our other hen and our third hen, waiting her turn. When we checked later, we got two brown eggs, but no green egg again from her. She seems normal. I’m not sure if something is wrong or older hen go through this, like perimenopause for women.
She may be suffering from a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, salpingitis, false layer, and others. Is she eating a layer feed and getting access to some crushed oyster shell for extra calcium. My hens are all 5-6-7 years old, and only a few still lay eggs. I even have had 3 go broody this summer, which will stop them from laying. At 5 she could be just slowing down, but she could be suffering from something unknown. Many will develop fullness in the lower belly, and lose weight overall and through the breast when they suffer egg laying diseases. Some have problems walking, preferring to sit or lie down. And when they start molting, they also will stop laying. Here is some reading about some of the laying disorders:

Thanks for the link. I will keep observing her. Hopefully, she’s just slowing down. My husband said she was fine this morning when he let them out, except for the non-laying incident this morning. She sits a lot lately, but the other girls are doing that also and the last week had been hot - mid 90’s. It’s cooler now and through next week - 80’s.

She eats a layer feed with oyster shells. I free range them except the first and last hour of the day and I spread egg shells all over the garden.

Hard to tell if she’s lost weight as she’s somewhat skittish. We’ve only had her a year and this is her third home. But I’ll keep trying to pick her up more often.
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Thanks for the link. I will keep observing her. Hopefully, she’s just slowing down. My husband said she was fine this morning when he let them out, except for the non-laying incident this morning. She sits a lot lately, but the other girls are doing that also and the last week had been hot - mid 90’s. It’s cooler now and through next week - 80’s.

She eats a layer feed with oyster shells. I free range them except the first and last hour of the day and I spread egg shells all over the garden.

Hard to tell if she’s lost weight as she’s somewhat skittish. We’ve only had her a year and this is her third home. But I’ll keep trying to pick her up more often.
Goldie, our 5 year old, finally laid one green egg yesterday, Wednesday. 11 days since the last one. Looks like she is indeed slowing down and not sick. She did keep going in the nest in the days leading up to Wednesday. I’m glad I started recording their laying days a couple of months ago.
Googling my current problem comes up with my own thread I made two years ago. The same chicken is having problems trying to pass another ruptured looking egg, I saw a soft little piece of it in her vent but unable to lay it out.
At first she decided to sit in the nest bucket when I let them in to sleep yesterday night, I assumed she stayed in there all night until I checked up on them early this morning. There was multiple 'yolky' poops around and she had been sleeping in a corner where ants were all over her butt trying to eat the yolky mess she'd been passing. I gave her a quick shower, dried her off, and let her back in the run thinking it'd eventually pass again/recover from the droppings last night.
I come back from work and she's going through the same lethargic symptoms she did two years ago, tried soaking her in warm water multiple times, last bath with epsom salt... she's still only able to pass yolky poops occasionally, with the help of gently rubbing her.

She's been a lil inconsistent with eggs, well most of the time I'm not sure where she's been hiding them. One egg was really small and skinny, and one kinda rough and bumpy but others have been okay... one time she went into the nest to lay an egg, did her egg clucking song, but there was no egg. Think she definitely has some sort of internal laying problem? her bum isn't huge or anything, but I think I feel the soft-shell below her vent... are vets able to perform a surgery to remove all her eggs so she doesn't have to lay again?

She's on the same layer pellet diet, none of my other chickens have had this problem... do some require more calcium than others? I'll have to offer oyster shells again
She wanted to go back into the coop to her nesting spot so I let her sit in there for a while. Offered her some water mixed with oyster shell powder and she drank a lot, only ate couple pecks of food though. Any other signs I should look for to tell if something else is happening internally? Last I can recall her laying an egg normally was 2-4 days ago

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