soft shelled egg

  1. P

    Pekin layed two soft shelled eggs after one hard shelled egg.

    Hello! I have a question about soft shelled eggs. My Pekin who will be one next month has laid two soft shelled eggs after her normal egg this morning. That would be 3 total today. She had laid one this morning and by 4pm she was puffed up and laid two soft shelled eggs. I will include a photo...
  2. Chick_Crazy

    Soft shelled eggs daily

    Hello! I have a hen who has been laying soft shelled eggs for awhile now, but since recent she has been laying them everyday. What I notice is, that she is fine in the morning once I let the flock out, but when evening comes, she slows down...she goes to bed, then passes the egg. The next...
  3. OrlandoMama

    Wrinkled and soft shelled eggs

    I’ve had a girl recently lay a bunch of soft shelled eggs and just found a wrinkled egg. I have an idea of who the suspect is but i’m not quite sure. It’s most likely my buff orpington who is 15/16 weeks and 4 days. I would assume that because she’s so young is why she’s having weird eggs but...
  4. Chickenwithnobrim

    Tiny saggy egg?? Soft fart egg

    My silkie laid this freaky lil thing can anybody tell me what it is please, does she need to see a vet? The dimples are where I poked it when I first went to pick it up. Is it a fart egg combined with a soft shelled egg?
  5. B

    Chicken laying 2 soft shelled eggs a day

    I have 2 chickens and they've both been laying for nearly 3 months now and the other day, I found an extremelyarge egg in the laying box. The next morning, there were 2 soft shelled eggs in the box and 1 normal egg (from my other chicken). The next day, there were 2 more soft shelled eggs and 1...
  6. A

    Egg issues II

    One of my 3 year old runner ducks had been having recurring egg issues. She seems to be acting fine, as in not ill, but she lays a soft shelled egg almost every afternoon. I started giving her a Citrical tablet every night before she went to bed and it seemed to help her lay a hard shelled...
  7. pepparaaraa

    Suspected Vent Gleet advice please

    Hello, I got 4 ex batts 5 weeks ago and a day after they arrived, three seemed to turn on one hen. She went up and sat on top of the coop a lot to stay out of their way and I noticed whenever she tried to eat or drink she would be chased away by any of the other three. I used to stand at one of...
  8. teignch1cken

    Soft eggshells and very tough membranes?

    i’m looking for suggestions and advice! Out of our five chickens, only one of them is consistently laying eggs with very soft shells. The top of the eggs are particularly soft with lots of little bumps on the point. Is there anything besides lack of calcium and too much salt intake that can...
  9. Anime2lover

    Soft shelled egg

    Today, one of my hens gave a soft shelled egg thats so soft that it didnt even leave cracks when I poked into it. Cant evey tell what color it's supposed to be. Our hens lay brown, blue, pinkish, olive, and green colors.
  10. Mimi13

    Breathing difficulties

    This morning I noticed my CW, Blanca, breathing very strangely, very noisily, with little sneezes interspersed. A little background: I have a free range flock of 35 and 12 3-wk old chicks inside. I have been keeping chickens for three years and have no history of any respiratory disease in my...
  11. onesweetflock

    Hen with Soft-Shelled Egg then Constant Diarrhea + Lethargy, Please Help!

    Hi there chicken folk! I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I have a black australorp hen named Fanny who is five years old. Though she's about middle aged, she normally seems quite healthy and vibrant. Howeeeever, she has laid two soft shelled eggs recently, and she has also been seen having a bit of...
  12. CarolinaQuackers

    Duck has layed soft shelled egg for 3 days

    Help! We have a black cayuga that is laying a soft shelled egg now for three days. We give them free choice oyster shells, and thier feed is oyster shell strong too. What else can we do. We are worried she might get one stuck. Any supplements? Please help! She acts totally fine and healthy...
  13. A

    Soft shelled egg laid at 3:43 in the afternoon

    One of the ducks I got in September just laid a soft shelled egg, as she was standing up and running. She was in the pen with my drake. The pool they bathe in is in the pen with him and I had let her in to bathe. I was washing dishes in the kitchen when I saw him chase her, and mate her...
  14. ChickenMama308

    Soft shelled eggs. Lash material? Reproductive illness? Ascites?

    Aloha everyone! My sweet 2.5 year old RIR hen, Oia, had a swollen abdomen for at least a couple months that had her having soft poops, eating less, and loss of muscle mass. Her sister died in November from reproductive illness :( Oia seemed to be getting more unwell as her abdomen enlarged, and...
  15. BGcoop

    Can you hard boil a soft shelled egg?

    So all but one of my girls Decided not to lay any eggs yesterday. Today everyone laid, however one of the eggs was soft shelled, membrane completely intact. That got me it safe to eat?-internet says yes but don’t store....can I hard boil it? If I hard boil it, how do I peel the...
  16. cajun41887

    Muscovy laying soft shelled eggs

    My Muscovy hen is broody and has been sitting on fake eggs going on about 10 days or so. She had been laying daily for the past 3 weeks or so and recently in the last few days we’ve found several shell-less eggs. 2 on Saturday, one yesterday and one today. We have another female Muscovy and her...
  17. path.otto

    14 month old hen dropping soft shelled eggs from roost

    This is the 5th egg I have found today. I've taken photos after the hens have bedded down and I think I know from the location of the egg and hen which one is doing it. This is new behavior, they are not pullets, been there - understand the process for new egg layers. This is happening in a hen...
  18. PiGE0N

    Chicken suddenly sick, laid a ruptured egg??

    I have a white Easter Egger, Sushi, who suddenly looked under the weather today, she was standing alone and felt weak, I was only able to feel a bit of food in her crop. I offered her some pigeon feed that she loves to eat but had no interest, she didn't have interest in drinking either or soggy...
  19. B

    Soft shelled egg laid with weird stuff inside... has anyone ever seen this or know what this is?

    My two girls are 4 years old and last week my ameraucana laid a soft shelled egg on my patio chair that had “stuff” hanging out of it. I carefully took the egg in to take it apart. The Shell was soft and inside the shell was a clear fluid. The next layer was a membrane that surrounded this thing...
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