Can you hard boil a soft shelled egg?


5 Years
Aug 5, 2018
So all but one of my girls Decided not to lay any eggs yesterday. Today everyone laid, however one of the eggs was soft shelled, membrane completely intact. That got me it safe to eat?-internet says yes but don’t store....can I hard boil it? If I hard boil it, how do I peel the membrane, what will it look like? Soo many questions, no internet information. Sooooo guess tonight is experiment night.:ya

Here it is straight out of the nest

Washing was a bit of a challenge, it was fairly dirty and I didn’t want to break it.
I’m actually not planning to eat it myself. Going to give it to the husband:lau:gig, just kidding. I’ll give it to the dogs or the girls. Just really wanted to see what would happen.

So other than being very slightly deformed and the uncertainty of bacterial load(although theoretically it was boiled so that should kill a lot), it seems just like any other hard boiled egg, only about 1000 times easier to peel.... that was fun!
I've gotten a few from my girls and just wash them, hard boil and feed them back to them. I wouldn't personally eat them because they gross me out a bit. I'm sure they're totally fine after being boiled/cooked.

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