Does this look like bumblefoot?


Jun 9, 2020
I was giving my 4-year old Barred Plymouth Rock a butt bath after several days of very rainy weather and noticed these lumps on her feet. She has had no issues with walking – no limping, etc., so I hadn’t noticed them. She eats, drinks, poops, forages, and lays normally. She squats to have me pick her up as is normal for her. No behavioral symptoms. The “butt bath” consisted of warm water, Epsom salts, and a squirt of Dawn dish liquid to get some caked-on mud off her feathers in the rear. We have sand in the runs and either Koop Clean or pine shavings in the coop and nestboxes.

Can someone tell me whether this is bumblefoot or something else and recommend how best to treat it?
She has had no issues with walking – no limping, etc.
The scab on the foot pad looks like Bumblefoot. If she's not limping nor having problems, you can continue to just monitor it or if you feel you must treat, use a non-surgical/non-invasive treatment. for Chickens with,and leaving her feet out.

The material that is causing the "lump" between her toes is a poop ball which is caught in the crease/nook cranny of her foot. Push the poop ball out. You may find you need to soak the foot to help soften the ball to get it out. The skin will probably go back into place in a few days. Monitor her feet regularly. Some birds tend accumulate poop in those crevices more than others.
Thank you so much for looking at my photos! I'm grateful for your response. So, I'll soak her foot again in Epsom salts tomorrow. I've seen the tillys nest link as it is often cited, but I've never had bumblefoot in any of my hens before. Appreciated!

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