First time with sour crop, what now?


Feb 1, 2023
I’ve discovered my 3 year old hen vomited brown liquid when I gently pressed on her crop this morning to see if she had eaten anything because she seemed super uninterested in food. She definitely has sour crop and NO impaction. But when she throws up there’s bits of grass and scratch… Any advice?

Here’s what I’m going to get from the store tomorrow, let me know if it checks out:

Vaginal yeast cream 7 day treatment
Eggs (to boil for her to eat)
Chicken probitoic
Greek yogurt

Is vomiting needed for the treatment? I’m incredibly scared of accidentally choking her when I induce vomiting, I’ve seen some people don’t vomit their hens at all. I’m currently fasting her for 24 hours and hopefully her crop will empty… any advice is helpful, I don’t know what I’m doing yet

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