Mixing new ducklings with older ducks? *Update #13*

They did good last night. I just put them in their outside area. Daisy(the older duck) went to the pond & cane right back up to the little ones outside area. Hopefully it will all work itself out & they will be the best of friends. Here they are.
My 2 new ducks are 7 weeks old. They stay in the pond all day & won’t get out & come to their beds at night. I was able to chase them out a couple times, now they stay in the pond all night. What can I do to get them out?
How large is your pond? I saw on here some one said take a long fishing net or a boat and herd then in. Or 2 people start at one side of the pond the other walk around with a rope to the other side and use the rope to bring them off the water by walking together using the rope laying on top of the water to herd them.
It’s about 1/2 an acre. We will try that & see if it works. I’m a nervous wreck with them out there all night. They do get under the dock. They run from me so I can’t catch them. It is so upsetting, my other 2 didn’t act like this. Daisy goes to bed at night, she isn’t staying out with them. They do not follow her in at night.
I can imagine how scary with so many predators that swim and fly. I hope something works. Let us know and hopefully others that have tackled this problem will chime in too.

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