Modifications Made On Homemade Fridgebator

do you keep them all? I'm so excited with just 16--would LOVE to do more!!!
gave some to my nephews.....head out to the fleamarket and sell some......will keep all naked another 58 eggs i set yesterday on my fridgebator and getting another 150 eggs on friday (hopefully)
HOLY SHHHHHHHHEEP! That is a lot of chicks! I only have 29 chicks and taking care of those is a lot of work! How do you handle all those little babies!!?! :) They're adorable!
this arew only the april's hatch...........i have around another 130 or so eating open range that i've hatched since january..........
.........hail be my homemade bator'
I finally i went ahead and started working on it after 3 not to much work either......
.......i left it on its back, built a tray 54 inches in lenght and 20 inches wide with 2x4, nailed a wire mesh on its bottom, i punched holes on the bottom of egg cartons to let the air flow from the bottom of the eggs (capacity of cartons in tray = 178 eggs). I then screwed 2 brackets on the bottom part of the tray and slid a 54 inch broomstick thru the brackets, i then slid the broomstick on each end of the fridgebator (2 holes were made to slip in the broom stick) and BOOM....that's it.....i now can manually turn all 178 eggs at one time in 3 seconds kind of works like a see-saw. Anyway got all excited .....AGAIN!!!....and headed out to my neighbors farm and got me another 200 eggs but could only fit 178......darn..........

I see you have some real little eggs and some great big eggs, is there any difference in hatch rates between the two?
not really....the little ones are old english bantams......the white carton on top of the carton with the little ones are of my hennie.......all the rest are of barnyard mix i got from my neighbors farm where he has all crosses and mixes but hatch real big birds that are great for dual purpose eggs and meat......ive had the little ones hatch by day 19 as well as day 22 sometimes......last hatch two hatches with my fridgebator ended early last one was all by day 20 and the one before was by day 19 only had 6 eggs left for day 21 and only 2 hatched out of the six...o well.......

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