Night Owls and Insomniacs

I think Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (what I got diagnosed with several years ago) is sort of a catch-all diagnosis since it just means that one falls asleep 2 or more hours past the socially acceptable time to go to sleep. I'd be really happy if I could easily and consistently fall asleep at, for example, 3 AM and wake up at 11 AM even though I'd still qualify for the disorder.
I told myself that I am not going to smoke my funny cigarettes for 1 week, Sunday to Sunday. And let me tell you, I have not been able to sleep without horrible back and stomach pain since Saturday night. 😩
I've never been nicotine addicted, but sugar used to be my drug. Now about the only sweetener I like is honey.
My sister and her husband are wellness practitioners and they claim that sleeping takes a lot of energy and if we're adrenaline exhausted enough it'll be almost impossible to sleep. They recommended taking 1 teaspoon of raw honey and go to bed right away.
It works most of the time for me. Note: most.
I've never been nicotine addicted, but sugar used to be my drug. Now about the only sweetener I like is honey.
My sister and her husband are wellness practitioners and they claim that sleeping takes a lot of energy and if we're adrenaline exhausted enough it'll be almost impossible to sleep. They recommended taking 1 teaspoon of raw honey and go to bed right away.
It works most of the time for me. Note: most.
I meant weed. My vape is my nicotine, and it tastes like a smoothie. Dangerous stuff. 🤣

I LOVE raw honey! I like to stock up on it at farmer's markets and use it to make my sweet pear soup. 🤤
I meant weed. My vape is my nicotine, and it tastes like a smoothie. Dangerous stuff. 🤣
Never had weed either, so I can't relate. I know of some that did use it though, breaking themselves from it seemed like hell for a while.
I LOVE raw honey! I like to stock up on it at farmer's markets and use it to make my sweet pear soup. 🤤
Sometime try it in coffee if you drink coffee. Make sure to add enough, because if you don't it'll taste like crap!

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