Nutridrench - how much/how often for an adult hen

If I knew somebody willing to do it, I might have, but I could barely watch my DH put the needle in this morning and we had to stop when I almost threw up, so me doing it wasn't an option. And he'd not do it either. Though I guess any vet could have opened her to at least see what was going on. I'd say maybe next time, but hopefully there isn't one.
If I knew somebody willing to do it, I might have, but I could barely watch my DH put the needle in this morning and we had to stop when I almost threw up, so me doing it wasn't an option. And he'd not do it either. Though I guess any vet could have opened her to at least see what was going on. I'd say maybe next time, but hopefully there isn't one.
And she is pooping every once in a while... it's mostly liquidy and kind of greenish
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Wondering how your Hen is doing? I have a Buff Orp. looked the same. Same symptoms. The link to the video above (lady Vet) is exactly what we decided to try yesterday. I felt the same but got the courage with my husband. I took my time and it was super easy. Tractor Supply had the 18 gauge & syringe. We easily got 3 syringes out of her. She was huge. Gave her some nutria-drench drops directly into her mouth (one drop twice a day). She is back to normal today. I also know it will probably come back but she is so much happier taking that pressure off of her. Take care, you can do this!
The standard dosage of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell is 1 ml per pound daily. It can be put into water, but it is more economical to give it orally. It can cause diarrhea if given for a long period of time. I would limit it to 5 days. Vitamin B Complex tablets can be a good vitamin product that has all B vitamins—thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc. Dosage is 1/4 to 1/2 tablet daily crushed into food or water.

It sounds like your hen may be suffering from ascites or water belly, or some other reproductive disorder. Ascites is also caused by heart failure, cancer, and liver disease. These are all common problems in older hens.
What Vitamin B Complex do you use?
I use a human tablet either super B complex or B complex, and most also contain some vitamin C. 1/4 to 1/2 tablet crushed into a spoonful of water or food/egg is easy to give.
Thank you. What milligram are the pills?

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