Rooster has poop stuck on his bottom! Help!!

He looks constipated. I wouldn't feed any hard feed for now. You want to flush him with bread and milk. You can also give him an enima. I don't think this is vent gleet, doesn't look like it. Fast him one day to give his guts a rest
Yes he's constipated.:( After I put him in the Tub he always tried to poop but nothing comes out except a white watery substance coming out but his vent is swollen and a little bloody. He hasn't really been eating Or drinking. I've been looking for reason why he got this! I take pride in making sure their coop is always clean and they always have fresh clean water and food! I hate seeing him so sad!
Try this, give him some Olive oil orally with syringe this will help loosen him up. He's not crop bound is he? Still try and give him enima
Do you see any maggots around his vent area? This has the appearance of possible flystrike, when flies have laid maggot larvae onto a wound or on poop. I would make sure to get any maggots off and out, and you may need to do a few more soaks to get them out. Use tweezers if you need to. Apply plain triple antibiotic or neosporin ointment, or something similar. Keep him away from flies. Get him to drink water, and add electrolytes if you can. Offer some chopped egg, tuna, liver in addition to his feed.

I hope your rooster doesn't have maggots, but it looks a lot like it. Did you see any tiny worm-like things in the water? You will need to soak him again in either warm soapy water with Dawn, Epsom salts, Hibaclens, or Betadine just to get him to heal, but really look hard for maggots. Here are some articles and threads about flystrike:

Do put some ointment on his wound--even if it is only vaseline, it can help if there are any inside the wound or vent. Keep us updated on his condition. The next time you handle him, I would get a disposable glove, lubricate it with the ointment, and poke a finger just inside his vent an inch to make sure the opening of the vent is intact so he can poop,and no maggots are seen.

I agree, this looks like Flystrike, @Eggcessive has given you excellent care information and links.
I hope you are able to get him back on his feet.
I have another chicken coop and run that isn't in sure so I separes him! The hens are not bothering him but the ducks can be mean sometimes. I dipped him in water with epsilon salt and it sounded like he was releasing gas 3 times! I hope that's a good sign! Yesterday he didn't t care if I picked him up and today he does! I'm hoping that's a good sign as well! However! He's not eating or drinking! I have plain yogurt in a small bowl and doesn't even care about it! This is another picture of his vent! I've been Checking for maggots and I don't see any and I do t see any in the water! I'll will continue to keep a little out for them!! Thank you everyone for helping me! I really appreciate it!!

I agree, this looks like Flystrike, @Eggcessive has given you excellent care information and links.
I hope you are able to get him back on his feet.
I have another chicken coop and run that isn't in sure so I separes him! The hens are not bothering him but the ducks can be mean sometimes. I dipped him in water with epsilon salt and it sounded like he was releasing gas 3 times! I hope that's a good sign! Yesterday he didn't t care if I picked him up and today he does! I'm hoping that's a good sign as well! However! He's not eating or drinking! I have plain yogurt in a small bowl and doesn't even care about it! This is another picture of his vent! I've been Checking for maggots and I don't see any and I do t see any in the water! I'll will continue to keep a little out for them!! Thank you everyone for helping me! I really appreciate it!!


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I agree with Wyorp Rock and Eggcessive. That looks like a major case of fly strike..... half his back end has been eaten away. It looks to me like his vent has been compromised internally and poop may be leaking into his abdominal cavity which will cause infection. I know you won't want to hear this, but I would put him to sleep. He will not survive long without food and water anyway.
I'm sorry. :hugs
I agree, personally I would cull any that aren't in the best of health. You don't want to run a hospital. Keep the strong healthy ones and cull all sickly birds. You will have healthier birds in the long run.

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