String over run?


7 Years
Jan 18, 2013
Has anyone had any success just running string over there run to keep out hawks? i have a large run and the cost to cover it with wire or fence is more than i can afford at this time. i am thinking of running and crossing string over the 100'x70' run?
You can try it- I did but took it down because it got saggy.

I have a run that is about half the size of yours. Here is what I do to make my hawk shelters:

First hawk shelter: Take a sheet of plywood and cut it in half lengthwise. Put some metal roofing on them to make an A-frame shelter (long) with a metal ridge on top to keep the rain off the seam. This makes a nice shelter that they can walk down the length of to get out of the rain, too.

Second hawk shelter: Free pallets elevated on concrete blocks (with the concrete blocks turned so that the shelter is tall underneath). I also have some that I leave the concrete blocks turned so the chickens have to duck under for extra protection.

These are very effective for me. I have never lost a chicken to a hawk except at that vulnerable age when they are about 6 weeks old and not good at running under the shelters.

I make sure there is a hawk shelter every 20 feet or so, so a chicken doesn't have to run very far.

Also a grapevine in the run is their summer hangout.
the pallets are a great idea!! i have unlimited supply of them here at work! great idea! if possible can you take a few pics of your run and set up? i do have a big oak tree that has branches that extend over the run that also provide shelter but they only cover the end part.
Has anyone had any success just running string over [their] run to keep out hawks? ...i am thinking of running and crossing string over the 100'x70' run?
I am uncertain about doing this. The reason is because tangles and nooses of mono-filament fishing line are sometimes used on top of pens or cages to trap by entanglement birds of prey for either scientific study or for use in falconry.

If you entangle a raptor without a valid license, even while protecting your fowl, I would not (I think) want to call a raptor rescue agency to take the bird of prey off my hands. If you did some Barney Fife type may put the bullet in his gun and arrest you for violating the Endangered Species Act. Remember, even though say Coopers hawks are not a federal endangered species, in the state of Connecticut they are endangered. All hawks and any owl has 10X more rights than you and your chickens combined.
I use visible cord to string over my run, not nearly invisible nylon monofilament. There are no tangles or snares, just a barrier to prevent flying in. I am counting on the raptor seeing the strings and deciding to go elsewhere. This is the same as using fencing without the mesh.

I was not planing on using clear fishing line either. I was thinking of using either marine grade line or the yellow construction line from home depot. was just wondering how well it held up over time and if it even stops raptors from entering.?
I was losing juvenile birds almost once a week for a while. So, I strung 20lb fishing line over my Bantam Cochin pen and my juvenile pen. I ran the line in a 12x12 in. square grid pattern. Since doing so, I have lost no Bantams or chicks. The hawk still flies over to see if anyone is outside their pen, but she has no luck :)
I know this is asn old thread. I use hot wire that I strung across the top of the fencing making a grid. It was very time consuming, my fence is 8 feet, but I have had no issues since with hawks. Oh the hot wire is not hot. Just used the wire.
The best way to protect your birds from aerial predators in my opinion is to use netting. I tried other things in the past such as string and fishing line. I still lost a bird now and then until I put the netting over my pens. I have lost birds in the past to hawks too.
This is what I bought a few months ago. They have it in different sizes. It's different than the original netting I bought, the weave is square. This netting the squares are woven in a diamond shape. It was harder to stretch out. I bought the original netting on eBay many years ago and haven't been able to find any. This works and it is heavy duty. I had an owl break through some crappy netting that I have since replaced. It was made of material like like black fishing line. The owl went right through it. I moved the birds to a different coop because the owl had killed two in previous nights so then I put a game camera up and it came back to get it's picture taken. The owl tried to go through this netting but instead got caught in the netting. DH and I managed to get the owl loose and into a cage and some wildlife people came and got it. Good luck...

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