Swollen Duck ankle infection or break.... Help!

Hmmm...Usually it is quite costly to Vet for this infection...Be prepared to make a hard decision quickly for the Duck...Sorry but Culling yourself might be an option?..Once it gets into bone and joints it's extremely painful and hard if not impossible to treat...also classified as Bumble foot ...All it takes is bacteria and it can get out of control till it affects the bone and joints....
Best wishes...
I almost culled earlier this week. But want to try all options first. She had no limping or any sign of trouble until last Friday. She basically went from perfect to serious limp. Another reason I'm wondering if it's broken.
Yes that's one fear I have is that I didn't get the bumble out and infection has spread. When I touch the bumble it's soft. The swollen area is a touch squishy but mostly firm.
Here....Try this....Epsom salt soak and then clear iodine on the scabbed area it will lift infection to the surface. Wrap foot or keep it in a Clean bed of shavings..Dog crate..I hate to give up but it's a bit grim....
Here....Try this....Epsom salt soak and then clear iodine on the scabbed area it will lift infection to the surface. Wrap foot or keep it in a Clean bed of shavings..Dog crate..I hate to give up but it's a bit grim....
I've been reading about the clear iodine. So do I put it on the bumble spot, wrap and let sit? I've read it takes a few days.

She walked from her pen to her pals by the pool this morning, limping but she did it. That's about 20 feet. She's in good spirits also. Hate to Cull I guess quite yet.
Separate her to a dog crate or small pen...Lots of people wrap the foot although lots keep them on clean bedding without wrap..Anyways the clear iodine yes is put on the bumble scab...It draws up the infection and then as it scabs you soak the foot in Epsom salt and slowly remove the infection..Others are do harsh treatment and dig into the foot to pull out the core of infection...Yikes...
Separate her to a dog crate or small pen...Lots of people wrap the foot although lots keep them on clean bedding without wrap..Anyways the clear iodine yes is put on the bumble scab...It draws up the infection and then as it scabs you soak the foot in Epsom salt and slowly remove the infection..Others are do harsh treatment and dig into the foot to pull out the core of infection...Yikes...
I've been keeping her separate on clean bedding (cage inside the duck house, so she can see her pals). I'm picking up the clear iodine now.
I almost culled earlier this week. But want to try all options first. She had no limping or any sign of trouble until last Friday. She basically went from perfect to serious limp. Another reason I'm wondering if it's broken.
it could be broken, but i think i dont think so
epsom salt soaks are a great idea, they will help to draw out infection, reduce swelling and relieve some pain
i wonder if there is a thorn or something stuck in her foot, the clear iodine will also soak in and pull out infection/thorn/whatever is causing the bumble

***warning** epsom salt should not be consumed :sick ducks poop enough as it is

please keep us updated
it could be broken, but i think i dont think so
epsom salt soaks are a great idea, they will help to draw out infection, reduce swelling and relieve some pain
i wonder if there is a thorn or something stuck in her foot, the clear iodine will also soak in and pull out infection/thorn/whatever is causing the bumble

***warning** epsom salt should not be consumed :sick ducks poop enough as it is

please keep us updated
I sure will. I've been doing Epsom salt compress so she can't drink it. Thank you so much!

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