The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

None of the eggs from the Tsouloufates have the names you mentioned! I find those names to be perfect! Which number Tsouloufati egg would you like?
elmo count GIF by Sesame Street

Tsaziki with lots of peppermint and garlic! 😂🥳🐣
Plan B when they aren’t laying or aren’t having any part of it is to chase the d**n chicken around the yard for 30-40 minutes while the neighbors watch and haul her A$$ into the house.
Why? I would wait till dark and get her of the roost. Next day she thinks she was only dreaming or maybe having a nightmare.
Well, Fluffy. I love the name Tsoureki… even though that’s Greek Easter bread. But, I DID stay with the Tsouloufati Easter theme! Hmmm… I wonder if anyone else named their egg after Greek food? 🤣

Had to edit: could you POSSIBLY provide the egg name and number list again?

Loads of peeps! Overall, you guys have provided awesome names! Better names than what I would've come up with! I can, but it's going to take a minute, bear with me😅
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Don’t know how you’d ever catch a roo…

Pretty straightforward actually. Big Red comes to me wanting wattle scritches willingly, and Lady Gaga just stays put and I lift him up with my palm. The Tsouloufati boys (or any male that isn't accepting of humans) are another matter. You've got to be fast and agile with them. One moment you're sitting still next to them, and the next, they're off the ground
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