Clostridium is a nasty bug that mammals and birds alike can pick up, especially after treatment of antibiotics which depleat normal gut bacteria creating an environment where clostridium can thrive or it can take hold while suffering from a parisitic disease or from toxins that damage the lining of the intestine allowing clostridium to proliferate.

Current treatment is to use antibiotics to treat clostridium, though often the infection can return because the antibiotics are also killing the good bacteria which is the very thing that normally keeps clostridium at bay, this is the reason why clostridium infections often return over and over, and oftentimes the antibiotics only suppress it for awhile, leading to a deadly cycle of resurgence.

Clostridium produces toxins that cause extreme illness, botulism and enteritis are two examples of what species of this bacteria can do, it’s extremly difficult to truly get rid of it because clostridium spores are resistant to most disinfectants and heat.

The toxins are the source of illness, they are damaging to cells and also inhibit absorption of nutrients in the intestine, often this damage is chronic as the toxins inhibit normal cell repair in the epithelium of the gut.

While snooping the depths of the internet looking for ways to break this cycle I found a few pieces of promising information.

1 Probiotics, lactobacillus from what I understand is predatory towards clostridium.

2 Alanyl- Glutamine can inhibit and repair the damaging effects of clostridium to some extent. The good news is you can buy this stuff online.
Here’s more information:

3 Cytokines IL-7 & IL-21 can activate cell repair in the intestines after damage.
The bad news is that isn’t something you can get your hands on very easily. You would need a lab and a very open minded doctor or veterinarian that’s into trying some expiramental treatments. Cytokines are already currently manufactured by medical labs for cancer treatment and research, so it isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility, though it’s probably still not something you can just pop into your local vet or doctors office and ask for. Cytokines can be a risky treatment, too many in the bloodstream create what’s called a cytokine storm, trust me that’s bad!

Here’s where I dug up this info:!po=51.5625

4 Fecal microbiota transplantation from a healthy disease free host to the afflicted patient to treat them of the underlying cause, insufficient healthy gut microbe populations. This is done for humans, I’m not sure if anybody has done this for birds. Probiotics only do so much and this is what is done when they fail.

There are other at home remedies besides #1 & #2 that may help to prevent or assist in treating clostridium infections, antiinflamitory, antioxidant herbs like ginger, turmeric, lemon, oregano, garlic, moringa, grapefruit to name a few.
Digestive enzymes to assist nutrient absorption and toxin removal.
Activated charcoal to help toxin removal.
Probiotics and probiotics to establish a healthy gut population.
Vitamins and minerals to supply the body with everything it needs to keep healthy and fight illness.

Clostridium however is a serious illness that should be treated by a qualified doctor or veterinarian. It isn’t something that will resolve itself or can be treated at home.

I’m not a vet or doctor but my hope in combining this information here is that it helps someone somehow and maybe encourages human and veterinary medicine to follow up on this research towards the actual treatment and recovery from this very nasty disease.
If you have endlessly deep pockets you might have better luck with a university veterinarian or doctor that’s more open to exploring experimental medicine when it comes to considering the more complex treatments than your local GP or Veterinarian, however it doesn’t hurt to bring it up to them, the more minds focused on a particular idea the more likely something is done about it. B5877EB8-BCFF-4915-A11B-154D65F95883.jpeg