
  1. Expat_in_Ecuador

    Disabled Pet Rooster advice

    I'm a proud owner of a rooster named Hydra, and though I love him very much he is a pain in the butt. I only have one chicken as he was a rescue when he was a day old and I had no intention of getting a yard bird. He spends a good majority of his time with the family including our other pets (3...
  2. DitoFrito

    Rescued a Chicken - What do I do now?!

    Hey All, I am a 29 year old male who lives in North Hollywood, CA and about 2-3 months ago a young chicken walked into my front yard. It was cute and pretty quickly seemed to form some attachment to me. I found the chicken to be surprisingly chill an friendly. I live in a small house with two...
  3. I

    I have a one year old male broiler chicken. What do I feed him?

    I have a 1 year and 10 months male broiler (not for consumption, he's a pet) and I noticed how he seldom eats his feeds. His feed is enertone and thought that it doesn't suits the nutrients that he needs at his age. What kind of feeds should I buy and the content?
  4. M

    Black comb and green poop

    A chicken friend of mine has a young house rooster who suddenly became lethargic and his comb turned black at the ends. She’s isolated him for now and he’s had some very wet, green poops. Any idea what could be wrong with him? The comb is shiny because it has Vaseline on it. No sign of injury...
  5. Watolf

    Deaf farmer

    Hello, i’m deaf and I own chickens for 7 years. I got near 20 chickens now have 6 more new chicks. Overall is 26. I have five ducks~. Preview i had 6 guinea fowls but one got hit by car which is my last 7 years old guinea fowls. I sold 5 guinea fowls to a better place where not too close a road.
  6. GoldenBlossoms

    How did I not see this until now?!

    I didn't know there was a place for Doves and Pigeons! I have to show you all my 6-month-old Dove! Idk if they are male or female but I named them Dutchess lol
  7. Duckwo

    Getting 2 pet ducks. Would it be okay to get different ones?

    I am getting 2 ducks as pets. I want to get 2 so one isn’t lonely, but I’ve been debating whether to get 2 Khaki Campbell ducks or 2 Pekin ducks, and was wondering if I could just get 1 of each? I’m not sure if they would get along together, and I’m not sure how to go about researching it
  8. S


    Hallo, I’m SlyPsychic, and just joined so thought I might as well answer the intro questions. 1. I’m not new to chickens really, had them when I was younger for half my minor years, but I am new to having my own chickens that I purchased and take care of (Idk, I’ve had them for 6, almost 7...
  9. TheBirdBabe

    Escaped pet or wild dove?

    This dove has been sneaking around my chicken coop lately. Today I tried to get a closer look & she ended up going IN the coop! She let's me get close (doesn't much appreciate me picking her up) which other doves around won't do.. but I think she's mainly looking for food. I caught her because...
  10. Phanata

    My pet quail hurt her leg walking back into her box

    Now my dad thinks she sprained it but we aren’t really sure, her left leg isn’t responding but it looks the same, it doesn’t seem to hurt much since she can move around now just not very effectively, she still eats her food and water and has gone into her sand box, we don’t think it’s broken it...
  11. Clostridium Cure and Intestinal Repair

    Clostridium Cure and Intestinal Repair

    Clostridium is a nasty bug that mammals and birds alike can pick up, especially after treatment of antibiotics which depleat normal gut bacteria creating an environment where clostridium can thrive or it can take hold while suffering from a parisitic disease or from toxins that damage the lining...
  12. TundraFang

    I'll draw your pets!

    Hey all, I'm out of drawing ideas and I've already drawn all my pets so I thought it would fun to draw yours! Upload a photo of any of your pets and I'll draw them! I'll be doing them first come first serve. You can Upload as many photos as you want but only one pet per post please. Try to use...
  13. D

    4 month old super sweet Silkie hen and rooster in MA need to be rehomed.

    Hi- I am trying to rehome two super sweet Silkies. I am super bummed to have to rehome them because they are both so sweet and fluffy! (And my kiddos and I are in love with them!) 😞 I purchased them when they were a little bit older hoping to get two hens as I am not allowed to have a rooster...
  14. PeepsnFluffy

    Moving with chickens

    Me and my family are moving from Hawaii to Nevada and we are very attached to are two chickens we love them very dearly and we are having trouble finding a airlines that will help transport are chickens with us any information on airlines that will ship are chickens is very appreciated...
  15. Isadora

    Angeline: the Bad Bun Chronicles

    I got a new bunny yesterday. She is a Rex, super soft and obviously adorable. I need name suggestions. Names like Delia, Dolly, and Delilah have come to mind, but don't seem quite right. My husband keeps joking that her name is Natalie. 🤣🙄 I teared up when I saw her at the feed store. I had a...
  16. L

    Hen has yellowish blisters on her comb

    Hello, I woke up this morning and noticed that my hen has developed blisters overnight. They only seem to be on her comb. They’re small and yellowish but look grey from a distance. Does anyone know what these are? This is the second time she’s had them except it seems worse this time. Last time...
  17. jennkretz

    1 Year Old Male Khaki Campbell Needs Home - 45 Mins NW of Detroit, MI

    Please message me for more information. I'd like him to be a PET only, not used for food. Thank you! Jennifer
  18. C

    Raising ducks to be friendly

    I’m raising 3 ducks in my suburban backyard. I want them to be friendly and comfortable being held and pet preferably. Any tips to make that happen?
  19. kfsilver

    Chicken with swollen but SOFT belly

    I have a hen who has been the one who runs up to me, demanding that I carry her around, talking to her, as I examine the pasture. She is the one who will run to me when she has a feather out of place, and bawk at me until I fix it. She is feeling down, and I am worried. I love her. The facts...
  20. D

    Ducklings dying

    Hello, I ordered 4 golden layer ducks from mypetchicken. I received them yesterday morning, when I first set them out they were all active and drinking and eating. A couple hours passed and one became lethargic and soon passed away. That night the rest continued to be relatively active, two a...
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