Just a quick shorty so I can link easily into posts.

I first encountered grazing frames at:

So I built a few as my birds are confined and I wanted to provide them with some fresh growing greens. Can really brighten up a desolate bare run.
This was taken my first year, I now have deep litter instead of that bare sandy soil.
Grazing frame 7-12-14.jpg

1/2" hardware cloth works well for grass-like leaved plants(sod and grains)
1 x 2" fencing is better for larger leaved plants.

When fresh planting seed I stack a second frame on top until roots are established or they pull the whole plant out.

They will need to be occasionally lifted up to clear out poop and thatch,
the chickens can do this in like 5-10 minutes...no longer or they may well destroy the plant and it will not regrow.

I like the one at the top best and am converting the others over.
Ripped a half inch off the 2x4's and used it to cover mesh edges to avoid cut feet and the possible subsequent infection (bumblefoot).

Grazing frames 8-3-14.jpg