Moringa The Master Healer For Chickens & Treatment Of AVIAN ARTHRITIS

Hello everyone! I'm back at my research article. This is personally Experienced article where I see how arthritis started to heal with this miraculous herb ❤️ .

Today I'm covering Avian Arthritis which is a very painful & inflammatory Disease of Birds & Chickens and 90% vets just refuse to treat and keep giving Pain Killer which is a very fatal option and kill the bird slowly .

I'm giving you today a very helpful herb which not just Proven to cure arthritis and there's no harm .it's Natural Anti-inflammatory properties makes it a power-packed herb .

Let's first talk about Avain Arthritis & How do you know your bird having it .
I always says I have big faith in herbs they can cure everything ..

What Is Arthritis?

A degenerative inflammatory disease of the joints, this can be a primary condition in birds or be secondary to problems or injury of the joints or supporting tissues of the bird. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in pet birds. In many cases, multiple joints will be impacted, with the exception of when the disease occurs as the result of trauma. Arthritis will cause pain in the bird experiencing the condition. Other forms of arthritis include septic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Arthritis is a degenerative, inflammatory condition of the joints, which may be a primary illness or secondary to another condition a bird is suffering from.

Symptoms Of Arthritis In Birds & Chickens
Joints that are affected by arthritis may appear red, swollen and/or hot. The toes of your bird may look disfigured, or point in a direction that does not seem natural.


There are several types of arthritis that can be experienced by your bird.

  • Septic arthritis - This is when the inflammation that occurs is due to a bacterial infection
  • Osteoarthritis - An age-related condition that results in degeneration of joint tissue
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - Resulting from immune-related processes
  • Articular gout - Resulting from toxic waste products accumulating in your bird’s joints

What Causes Arthritis?

In modern day framing and Veterinary products , Sodium Bicarbonate added in Poultry feed /supplimentry products to decrease the Heat Stress and environmental stress also used as Antifungal & Fungicide , sodium bicarbonate help in lowering down the chicken body temperature 🌡️ but it's one the biggest side effects is Arthritis . It collect nearby joints and inflammation started to happen .

Other Causes is are
• Heavy Weight Around Legs
• Age
• Low Levels Of Calcium In Blood
• Lack Of Vitamins

So many diseases sounds same as viral disease and people thought weather it's mareks or something else they mostly cull the bird in anxiety but it's not like that.

Not all birds who shows limping have mareks
Not all birds whose joints are swelling have ND

We need to do some research or if available tests to completely clear our doubts .

I love birds and I always have faith in treating them I'm not vet but I believe knowledge is the key of awakening .

So now u know that how arthritis looks like now I'm covering how do u able to treat it with this herb . Moringa Aka Drumstick is a miracle tree and very useful for poultry .

But what is Moringa Actually?

Moringa is the medicinal name of Drumsticks Tree or Ben Oil Tree Or Shigru Tree which is very yummy vegetable used in many Asian countries and south indian cuisines .

Moringa oleifera is a tall plant native to India, but nowadays it found everywhere in world that is often called the drumstick tree, the miracle tree,

Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits. It is an antioxidant with anticancer, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties

Moringa is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10 times more vitamin A than carrots, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach.
Moringa or Drumsticks Is

  • Antiviral
  • Antiarthritic
  • Antifungal
  • Anticancer
  • Antiinflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Anticocci
  • Anti-parasatic

Adding Moringa in chickens diet help chickens get their dietary requirements due to its high content of vitamins .
Moringa alone can treat 100s of issues in both humans and birds / chickens .
It helps Cardiovascular system , lymph system, help respiratory system , help hemoglobin production , help bone issues , heal wound faster , treat chronic wounds..boost immunity

• High in protein which help chickens getting their Protien need ,
•high in vitamin C better absorbance of other minerals
•High in natural Iron good hemoglobin .
•High in Vitamin A better Orap health
•High Antifungal Protection /Treat Yeast Infection
High Antioxidant & Anticancer "in a research moringa found to stop the tumor growth faster then chemotherapy"

• Antiviral Protection Against Mareks , Newcastle
• Anti-inflammatory
•Anti- Coccidiosis "in a trail found moringa added in diet cutt of Coccidiosis spices"
•Antibacterial : treats Ecoli
•Anti parasitic

How do u use moringa?
I use this Himalaya's Pure Herbs Tablet Of Moringa Aka Shigru It's 250mg Tablet .

For arthritis my friend @connectdave use for his rooster the course will go 1 -2 Tablet every day for 7 to 10 days in which he updated me he monitor significant change in birds Behaviour they are more in Life , Active & Happy Limping was improved and inflamed joint is less visible

. The course will go up as 7-7 days for atleast 40-50 days once improved you can use 1 tablet in 3 days then 1 tablet in a week . It's like slowly decreasing the dose and give it as suppliment
Along with shigru / morninga he keep giving regular multi-vitamins 2-2 drops daily

For other issues or immunity :
• half tablet every day for 10 days then once in a week



The tablets come in pure Uncoated form so they are easy to adminstrate and chicken grab them on their own . Mine just love it eat it like they having grit lol 😂😂😂

@connectdave words on moringa attached in screenshot how he felt after using moringa with arthritis

Overall it's an excellent remedy health and growth .
And the biggest thing is it's Nature's Gift
Harmless & There's No Side Effects ..
So trying it without fear
It's all safe ..❤️I personally use it and suggest to my fellow chicken Friends

NOTE : I Am Not A Vet But I Read Veterinary Books / Sites For Poultry & Many Of These Information Is Collect By Hours Of Reading .
These Are Natural Herb There's No Side Effects Of It .

Thanks for reading
For any Help just message me ☺️
Saaniya Jackson 🙏🏻❤️
Healthy Chicken Happy Chicken Happy Hens

Written By : Me lol
Research From : My personal experience with my friend's chicken chanda & Mama treatment who have Facing all arthritis symptoms and improved after treatment @connectdave

Moringa Supplimentry Information is Collected from respected :
About author
Hello there! my name is saaniya jackson & i am crazy chicken mumther who having two beautiful leghorn rooster Tootoo & Teetee. , Rescue pigeons & Rescued Cockateils
we live in India , Research about Chicken cases & Find cures through natural resources like herbs and natural medicines, Tootoo who is my star rooster helped through his Case of Extra Large Comb Surgery in 2018 and BYC become a family for him spreading his story with everyone Tootoo till today helped more then 79+ Roosters around the world regarding his Surgery of dubbing that saves life on sudden note .

Latest reviews

We are always quick to assume that allopathic medicines will heal, but forget to look towards what nature provides. Most modern medicines are synthetic versions of natural remedies that are created in lab for convenience. We are so far removed from whole foods and natural remedies we tend to shy away from what has been created for us in nature.
I am a member of BYC, but actually found this article looking for a way to treat a chicken with arthritis. You are so correct about the modern treatment recommendations - which is there is no treatment. So as a chicken keeper, you are to cull or let the bird suffer. Moringa has a good reputation and is known as a "super food" due to its health benefits. Herbal remedies aren't as widely accepted because there is no profit in it.
Your article is an informative article regarding moringa. It might be nice to update with how your chicken has shown improvement.
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agree with u
This stuff does actually help. I have this 10 yr old hen with arthritis and every now and then, maybe three times a month, I give her half a tablet. The three photos are before I started giving her tablets, I'm sorry, they are terrible photos, she hates me. You can see how she is in pain with her tail down and how her toes are slightly curled to the side. Now, after about two months of constructive tablets, she is able to walk and run without using her wings to flap and lift her off the ground. She even likes to scratch around again! ❤️


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wow i am so happy 😀 moringa i use for my roosters bumblefoot wound too it heals his wound miraculously
There is a general reluctance to use such remedies as this to treat serious debilitating health problems. An article that is trying to promote such treatments really does need some evidence based text, preferably with pictures of progress through treatment and any research into the efficacy of such treaments.
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What's the difference between Moringa oleifera vs Moringa pterygosperma?
The text of your article mentions Moringa oleifera, but the photos of the tablet container specifies it contains Moringa pterygosperma.
What's the difference between Moringa oleifera vs Moringa pterygosperma?
The text of your article mentions Moringa oleifera, but the photos of the tablet container specifies it contains Moringa pterygosperma.

Hi same thing just the name get complex in scientific form or ayurvedic form any part of moringa tree is used in arthritis :). It's also a very good Antifungal

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Saaniya Jackson
Article read time
5 min read
Last update
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